Daniel ~ Wanna One

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You had headed to your weekly dance battle, heading into the small club and through the crowd of drunkards dancing sloppily on the dancefloor, proceeding down the stairs at the back to where your fellow dancers hang out and perform.

You reach the bottom of the staircase, taking your seat on the sofa, grabbing a bottle of your favourite drink, talking to your friend Woojin. "There's gonna be a new guy today, you've been put forward to test his skills" he tells you.

"Great" you sigh taking a large swig of your drink, you were happy with the small group you had now and wasn't all that interested in new members, but your leader Rocky liked taking in kids like you, who struggled to find a professional place to dance, and allowed you to dance there instead.

You see a tall, unknown figure walking down the stairs, you knew it was the new member immediately, everyone's eyes were on him, he was definitely handsome as well as in good shape. You smiled a little involuntarily, looking him up and down as your leader stood to greet him.

Soon he had gotten to know the place and walked over to you "hey..." He mumbled rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, obviously a nervous habit.
"Hiya" you replied flashing him a smile. "I'm Y/N, and you are?" you continued.
"Kang Daniel" he smiled slightly, showing his teeth.
"How about you show me what you got?" You questioned urging him to dance for you, wanting to know what exactly Rocky saw in this guy.

He nodded along shyly before getting into a position on the dance floor, the music became louder and soon he began.

Unlike other dances there who were mainly hip hop and street dance based, he was a modern dancer, who could also do aspects of other dance styles, he showed off his abilities, you noticed some aspects he'd taken from idols routines, which was very a very good initiative.

His dance ended and he wandered back over to you, suddenly more confident than before, slinging his arm around your shoulders asking "how was it?" His face close to yours with hot breath on your cheeks.
"Good, but I'm sure exo wouldn't be too happy seeing you using their choreography" you giggle, poking his ribs.
"Show me what you can do then" he remarked stepping away from you. Allowing you to step up to the floor, this time a familiar tune plays and you immediately break into dance, doing multiple styles, street dance, chinese traditional dance as well as modern and some ballet. The music controlled your body in that time and once it was over you walked back to him, sipping water.

His mouth was gawking at you and you laughed "catching flies are you?" You questioned him pushing his jaw shut, causing him to shake his head snapping back into reality.

Suddenly his face became fierce and competitive "let's go" he shouted slightly dragging you by your hand to the dance floor. The music began and your dance battle began, you had decided to do a cover dance battle.

So far you were both doing well, having mastered the choreography to songs such as TT, Rainism, even shinees ring ding dong, your friends had gathered a crowd around you as Rocky controlled the music.

Soon the song changed and it was Exo's newest song power, however it was Kai's dance solo. You hadn't fully mastered this part, but Daniel had, he was dripping with sweat, his white shirt becoming see through, you suddenly noticed this as he did the solo perfectly, even perfecting the turns and landing them more precisely than Kai had in the Song. This time it was your turn to Stand with your mouth wide, as your friends cheered and the music stopped.

You walked sluggishly back to your seat on the sofa and drank some beer, you deserved it. Daniel had jogged after you and was now sat by your side, your head leaning on his shoulder. Running his fingers through your hair he inquired "seeing as I won that dance battle... I should get something. How about a dinner together? I'll pay of course but was wondering if you'd do the honour of accompanying me"

You giggled shaking your head, but still agreed, arranging to meet him outside the club tomorrow before lunch, so you could have it together.

The following morning you had taken a shower and applied light make up, now deciding on an outfit. You had two choices, a tank top and jeans with a snapback or a large shirt and jeans. You decided to go with the latter throwing it on yourself, dressing for comfort more than fashion, but still looking relatively decent. You styled your hair into long curls before putting on your favourite pair of trainers and heading towards the club.

You soon arrived, Daniel already their with a cute, worried expression on his face. "Daniel!" You called skipping over to him, his arms opened which you then stepped into, hugging him.
"Hey Y/N" he greeted, lacing your fingers together before leading you towards your destination.

It soon dawned on you where you were going to go with him to eat, as he lead you to his car you both stepping in and him driving. You'd began driving into the nearby mountains and had currently pulled up outside the small restaurant within them.

He stepped out the car, helping you out your side, before closing the door behind you. Together, you walked to the entrance, taking a seat near the window, showing the beautiful view of the mountain range. He pulled out his phone taking photos of the mountain range and you, which you soon noticed covering your face with your hands "stoppppp" you squealed looking through the menu, while using it as a method to cover your face.

He let out a chuckle, his laugh deep and smile wide, before proceeding to look through his own menu. You both decided to just order ramen and talked together about your interests and hobbies as well as dancing. Which soon became a topic of discussion during your meal.

While you were both enjoying your drinks and meals, Daniel suddenly let out a deep yelp, scurrying up from his seat. Grabbing his hand in comfort you asked him what was wrong, to which he replied with "there is a bug on the window beside my chair!" He exclaimed, obviously terrified, causing you to laugh and swat at the bug, ushering it away from where you were both seated.

He returned to his seat and continued with his meal, pretending the situation had never happened. However, you knew it'd be perfect bribery material later on, so kept a mental note of it.

Continuing to eat and laugh together, Daniel in the midst of had taken your hand across the table, so when you shivered from a sudden overwhelming feeling of cold, he obviously noticed it. "What's wrong baby? you cold?" to which you nodded, blushing furiously at the nickname. He acknowledged this by removing his jumper, causing his abs to appear.
"Nice body you got there" you remarked, causing him to snort and blush, handing you his jumper. You put his jumper over your head, it being massively too large.

You told him you would return it too him later however he said "no need to, keep it for yourself, you look cute in it."

After that the date came to an uneventful close, him driving you home both saying your goodbyes and that you'd see each other the following week.

When the next week came around you and Daniel were both at the clubs basement, you were in his jumper from the previous time you had spent together, having noticed the cold weather. What you didn't realize however, was that Daniel had been wearing it the previous week at the dance battle, having taken it off when he danced. So that lead to your friends questioning you.

Daniel noticed your discomfort within the situation so grabbed your waist pulling you onto his lap "y/n is my girlfriend now, so what guys? Just back off okay?" You sat frozen at his actions and his remark. As you turned to face him, though, to ask him what he thought he was doing, your lips glided across his. When you tried moving them away after this, his grip on you tightened, pulling you closer to him, and locking your lips again with his.

After that your friends backed away and Daniel whispered "sorry Y/N" to which you responded "it's okay, boyfriend." Causing his eyes to go wide, and kiss you yet again.

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