The Conversation

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"I just found out this guy I knew back in Seattle killed himself. He overdosed on pills or something, I don't know."

- "Oh."


- "I'm sorry about your friend."

"It's okay, he wasn't really my friend. I-it's just weird to have people you know die, you know? Like people come and go in your life, you have friends that move away or move on. But when someone dies, it's really odd. It's like you can't even remember what they used to be like, how they used to talk, what they used to do. It's like they're completely erased from the Earth. I think your brain does that on purpose."

- "I feel like my parents died, even though they didn't. When my grandpa died, it was pretty hard."

"Where you guys close?"

-"No, but he's always been there. And now he isn't."

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