This is a dream.
Doves flocking to the skies
and covering the night like stars.
I think I am brave when I admit these things to you.
When I say I understand and empathize with you.
I think it is because you take me outside of myself–beyond this world.
Beyond all of the emotions and people and trees and houses and roads and buildings.
As the greater gods look down on all of this
then everything becomes so small and insignificant.
Dominating redwood becomes delicate florets from the heavens.
And houses like scattered freckles on your cheeks.
I think you are significant to me because you do nothing and yet break the illusion of control I have over myself.
You do nothing yet have all the control over me.
And why?
It is because we are all very small and irrelevant
with empty promises of control walking in and out of buildings and houses and parks
like we did it all.Then pay homage to these greater gods until we are full.
Not as dreadful perhaps as I'd put it but maybe it's a little bit true?
And maybe I do this because I want so desperately to own my thoughts
and take back what I never really had.
But then you linger around my mind waiting to remind me that I definitely don't have that luxury.
No one really does.
PoetryA compilation of written thoughts, poems, and short stories composed by myself