Im Pregnant

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I woke up from the loud ass banging at the door.. whoever it is sound like they're the damn police or something... I jogged downstairs to see who the hell it is.. I'm surprised raven still sleep.... well she did party all night so I understand that..
"WHO IS IT??..
I open the door and it was rava..
"Aw wassup rava you're here for your sister..
"Nah I'm actually here for you Mitch..
She sounded disappointed...
"Wait what..? Me..? Why..? I said crossing my arms looking confused..
"Can I come in so I can talk to you.?
"Uhhh.. yeah make it quick mane raven gonna wake up soon... I said letting her in..
She came in looking sad. I don't know why she wants to talk to me.. she sat down on the couch and I sat across from her on the other couch.. I was curious of what she was about to say..
"So you remember when I had that party right?
"Mhm yeah why?
"Do you remember anything that happened?
"Uhhhh...... shit nah man why..? Just get to the point rava.. I said shaking my leg waiting for her to tell me..
"I'm pregnant Mitch... she said tearing up..
"Okayyy Why are you telling me..? I don't care.. I said laughing nervously..
"Because Mitch it's Yours..
I stopped, Laughed then stop again..
"HA!! You Funny Girl stop trying to prank me.. that baby is not mines and we never even did anything rava.. so what are you talking about..
"Oh Really... then why do I have a video of us fucking then Mitch.. she pulled out her phone..
"What the fuck...let me see i know you're lying..
She showed me a video of us fucking.. I can't believe this !! She was telling the truth.. I don't even remember this!! I must was sloppy drunk.. well we both was sloppy drunk.. but I can't believe I cheated on my girl.. fuck man! I sat there with my hands on my head...
"Yeah so the baby is yours.. she said rolling her eyes and crossing her legs..
"Mane nah nah-
"What you mean nah nah.. she had cut me off..
"I mean you need get a damn abortion.. I sat getting up and angry..
"I am not killing my baby what the hell wrong with you...!
"Well you need to do something rava damn because if raven found out-
"Find Out What!? raven said rubbing her eyes coming down the stairs and holding her head..
"Oh Hey uhh baby.. Go back to bed I know you sleepy-
"Find Out What Mitch?? And hey rava what are you doing here??
"Hey sis.. can you have a seat.. we need to talk...
"Yeah sure what is it...
"Uhh I'm umm...
I still sat there with my hands on my head.. rava was about to tell raven that she's pregnant with my kid.. she was about to cry.. raven was gonna Find Out anyway so..
"What's wrong rava? Tell me Girl!? raven said waiting for an answer..

"Okay(huge Sigh) Raven I'm pregnant.. she said crying her eyes out..
"Omg !! That's Good Sis!! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! She said getting up and giving me a hug..
"But The problem is.. is that.. the um baby is..
"Is who's?
"Is um..
"It's Mine Man Damn!! The baby is mine raven!! I said looking at raven bout to tear up..
"(Chuckles) Excuse me say what?? She said bagging up from Mitch and rava..
"Yeah sis the baby is Mitch... I'm sorry raven... I-I didn't mean for it to happen..
"No this a joke right?? Are y'all prankimg me or something... she said looking confused face turning red..
Rava started crying.. again!
"Mitch this better be a fucking joke I swear I'm not kidding...
"It's not baby I'm sorry I'm so sorry!! We were so drun-
"Oh don't give me that drunk bullshit!! I thought you loved me Mitch and rava!! Oh rava !! You supposed to be my damn sister!! Why would you do this to me!! I didn't do anything wrong!! Why me !!?
"Raven we was drunk we didn't know what the hell we were doing!!
"Get the fuck out!! Both of you get out!! Get out before I go to jail For killing both off y'all !!
"GET..THE..FUCK..OUT.. I don't want to see both of y'all ever again..!! She said throwing Lamps And Knifes And forks..


I can't believe this bull shit that was happening to me! This is dumb!! I called my momma and told her what happen and my momma said she was already down here so she said she will be on her way.. after I got off the phone with my mother I cleaned up my messes that I made and threw on some clothes and did the regular routine waiting on my mama..

Pregnant By My Sister's  BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now