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"Mr. Alsina?
"Yeah? Wassup?
"Yes I just need to ask you a few questions.. it won't take but a minute?
"Uh sure..
we walked to the side of the hallway.
"So I had gotten a call from some of your neighbors and they told me they heard kid noises like uh screaming and bumping noises..? they thought it was a joke but then they heard it again repeatedly so they called us.. you mind telling me what happend?
"Just like I told the doctor, I don't know what happened.. all I know is that I was at work with my son and I get a phone call and she was crying saying "take me to the hospital I'm bleeding Or something like that.. I came home rushed her here..
"Are you aware that she's been beaten and raped..
"WHAT!? I..Uh...Um...Um..
"Oh You sound surprised Mr. Alsina??
"Wait what are you trying to say officer?!!
"I'm just doing my job which is trying to figure out what happened..
"Well I just told you what happened... I'm trying to figure out what happen.. and who did it..
"Well okay sir, Thank you for your time..
after the officer left I went in the room and raven slowly looked at me.. I grabbed a chair and sat beside her.. my leg was shaking because I was mad and upset..
"Who did it?
"Who did it raven?
"What are you talking about?
"Why didn't you tell me baby.. we tell each other everything.. why you didn't say anything..
"Babe I don't want to talk About it right now please I'm in so much pain..
"Okay okay.. you need anything?
"Uh can you go home and bring me some warm clothes or something please..
"Yeah baby sure I'll be back..

I left the room and was out the door.. I seen rava go in.. she must be here for raven?
"Hey August.. why are you here?
"Uhh raven..
"Raven?? what happen??
"She was.. Uh... raped.. I said scratching my head..
"Omg what!? Who did it!??
"She won't tell me but she'll probably tell you..
"No she won't but I'll try..
I hoped and my car and drove to the house.. when I find out who did this.. I'm beating his Ass! Nah fuck that I'm killing him...
I pulled up at the house and hopped out my car and ran in the house to get some clothes.. I grab some joggers and a big T-shirt and underwear for her..I ran back out the house and locked the door..
"Oh hey Aug.. where you running off to? (Miracle said as She stop running)
"Uh to the hospital.. my wife was in an accident..
"Oh no what happened?
"Uh it's personal but hey I'm in a rush so
"Oh yeah yeah I completely understand.. but if you need ANYTHING I'm here..
"Uh yeah.. see you around..
"Yeah see you.. (she grin)
I hopped in the car and was on my way back to the hospital..


When August left i cried because I don't understand why is this happening to me all of sudden.. I can't tell August who did this to me because he will literally kill Mitch.. and if Mitch finds out he's gonna kill me and my son.. I don't understand why Mitch would act this crazy..
when I was about to go to sleep rava walked in.. Ugh what she want!? How did she even know that I was here!? She probably ran into August and August probably told her..
"Hey Raven I know I'm probably the last Person you want to Se-
"UM yeah that's correct..
"Raven I'm worried about you.. I'm afraid something bad is gonna happen to you..
"Well too late for that.. I whispered.
"Raven who did this to you? I don't like to see my sister like this..
"Rava what do you want?? It's not like you'll do something..
"Raven please tell me.. please
"Mitch Rava! Mitch did This to me.. I said crying..
"W-What!? Mitch!? Your Ex Boyfriend!?
"Yes Rava!
"A-Are you sure raven!?
"I'm Sure Rava.. I'm pretty sure I seen his face in broad daylight..
"Omg.. why would he do something like this.. is he out of his damn mind??!
"I gotta go.. she said running out.
"Don't do nothing stupid.. I yelled..


I finally Made it to the hospital and I see Rava running out I grabbed her to see did raven tell her or not..
"Aye aye Rava.. did she tell you?!
"Uh.. Yeah.. you wouldn't believe who it was..
"Who is it??
"It was...Mitch..
"What the actual fuck! THAT BITCH ASS NIGGA.. iight bet I got that ass..
"Wait.. what are you gonna do aug..?
"Don't worry bout all that Rava.. just know.. nun just don't worry about it.. I said jogging back to ravens room..
"Hey baby.. How you feeling?
"Uhh I'm feeling okay.. they gave me some medicine to ease the pain.. they told me I can leave tomorrow..
"Okay baby that's good that's good.. but um I got to go take care of some business okay get some rest..
"Business like what? What did Rava tell you I know you ran into her..
"What she say aug!?
*sigh* "Baby look don't worry I'm gonna take care of all of this.. you don't have to worry
"August please don't do nothing to get locked up in jail.. we can just move and let it go..
"Move?? Let it go? Raven I can't let him get away with this.. he's a fucking rapist!
"Babe pleas-
"Raven I'm going.. now get some sleep.. (I kissed her forehead)
I walked out of the hospital and hopped in the car.. I Sat there thinking because I don't know where this nigga at. But I know who do..
-Ayee bro You know where this nigga Mitch at? I heard he was down here..
-ahhh shit yeah.. He live over there in them apartment shakehood.. he live in apt. 1234
-aiighttt My Boy Bet..
After that I hung up and was on my way to shakehood Apartments.. it's over with for him..

(30 Minuets Later)

*sigh* this is it.. I said to myself..! I got out the car and walked upstairs look for apt. 1234..
"Here it is right here..
I banged on the door 2 times waiting for someone to open it.. I heard someone say "Damn who dat knocking like that?!
The door swung open there was this guy smoking high asf.. it wasn't Mitch..
"Mitch here??
"Aw shiii Yeah.. Aye Mitch this dude want you..
he opened the door wider reviling Mitch sitting on the couch rolling a blunt and smoking one at the same time... he got up and came to the door like he was hard and shit.. he stepped outside..
"Wassup who you?
"I'm aug
"Uh Okay? *scratches head* damn why that name sound so familiar..
"Nigga I'm Raven Boyfriend..
(Evil Chuckles) "And what the fuck you want?
"You think you can get away with the shit you did..
"Man bruh What the fuck You talkin about...
I instantly Started punching him in his face hard.. we both was throwing punches until his niggas came out..
"Hell Nahh Play Boy!! *click click* the sound of a gun about to go off..
"Yeah you fucked up Nigga..

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