Im back !

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I woke up hurting very bad.. yesterday something happened very very bad.. but anywaysss I decided to get up and find a babysitter for Kaiden because I go to work at 12.. while I was up I decide to take Kaiden outside until then..
"Kaiden wake up.. I walked up in his room and he wasn't in there.. I went into every room to look for him.. but he wasn't there..
I called August quick..
-August please tell me you have Kaiden with you..
-uh yeah baby I took him while you were fast asleep.. I thought you might needed sleep..
-oh thank god.. I thought... Nevermind Okay Baby I'll see you when you get home..
After I got off the phone I took a shower.. I got out and wrapped the towel around me and a heard the doorbell ring
"Ugh seriously..
I ran downstairs with the towel still covered around me.. I answered it and it was Mitch..
"Hello Love *he smiled* nice outfit
"M-Mitch what do you want..??
"You know what I want raven don't be dumb.. he said walking in and slamming the door and locking it..
"Listen here Raven (grabs her throat) I told you I want you and only you.. don't make me do what I did yesterday...
"Mi-Mitch please stop.. I c-can't breath..
he let's go and she breaths heavily...
"Mitch can you at least let me go so I can put some clothes on..
"Okay I'll go with you..
"I-I can go by-
"NAH i think im gonna go with you.. you might do something stupid..
I Walked upstairs and Mitch was following me.. I don't know what to do I can't do nothing crazy he might do something.. again.. I walked in my room and I was about to undress..
"Are you gonna leave Mitch?
"Nigga no I'm gonna watch you undress.. proceed..
I slowly removed the towel and I was tearing up because I felt so uncomfortable.. he never behave this way... I've never seen him like this..??
"Damn yo body sexy asf! He said walking up close rubbing my butt..
"Mitch please don't do This stop.. this is not like you..
"It's to late for pleases raven! I beg and beg for you forgiveness and what do you do?! Kicked me right to the curb! I've been so messed up without you raven! You made me like this!! You Don't know what's been going on since you Lefte Ray!!
"Okay okay Mitch listen w-we can talk about this you don't have to do this..
I started crying "Mitch please..
"SHUT UP!! He said tying my arms and legs up! I was to weak to fight back I was hurting so bad.. then he put tape around my mouth to make me stop crying which it didn't. He then punched me two times then I was knocked out..

A hour later past I was in SOOO much pain I think I needed to go to the hospital.. I look down and I was bleeding to death from my private areas.. I looked around and Mitch was gone and I was untied.. I tried to get up and walk but that was a definitely a complete fail.. Mitch told me if I tell anyone he will kill me & my son that's why I didn't tell August.. i don't know what to do.. I got two black eyes, busted lip, I'm bleeding from my head.. I feel as if I'm gonna pass out.. I couldn't do it anymore I sat up slowly reaching for my phone that's on the table and called August..


"Haha you crazy foo... man everything's great I'm living great.. August said.
"Awe man that's good bruh how's your wife doing..? (Ron said.)(aug friend)
"She Good she's good.. oh speaking of the devil here she go now.. everyone shhh my wife calling..
-yeah wassup baby?
-b-baby please come home!
-why wassup baby you good? What's wrong..
-I- I need to go to the hospital... babe please I can't walk I-
-baby calm down I'm on My way!! I'm on my way..

I got up and grabbed Kaiden and put him in his car seat strapped him up and got in and drove to the house.. I was was driving so fast down the highway..
I finally made it there I unbuckled Kaiden I picked him up and took him in the house and sat him on the couch.. "stay here Kaiden."
I ran upstairs and I went in the bedroom and I seen raven in the bed crying.. there was blood everywhere..
"Omg RAVEN!! I ran to her picked her up ran downstairs told Kaiden to get in the car I put raven in the car.. I decided to take Kaiden to his nana house I don't want him to see all of this..

(Hours Later)

"Got Damnit Man !! Who did this to you!! I said pasting back and fourth thinkin hard.
I waited Hours and hours until the doctor tell me if she okay...
"Mr. August?
"Uh Yes is she okay.. can I go see her?
"Oh yes you can go see her.. but do you know what happened to my patient? What caused this?
"Honestly doc I don't know I just came home because she called crying. I came home rushed her here..
"Um okay.. well she's pretty hurt bad Mr. Alsina.. are you abusing your girl-
"Are you seriously asking that!? I wouldn't Dare Lay a Finger on my Wife...
"I apologize mr. Alsina But I'm just trying to do my job..
"Your job is to take care of people who are ill or hurt! now would you excuse me I would like to go see my wife..

I walked past the doctor and was headed to see raven.. I need answers and I need it now.. while I was about to open raven's Door the police stopes me.. (what now.. Damn it) I thought..
"Mr. Alsina?
"Yeah? Wassup?
"Yes I just need to ask you a few questions.. it won't take but a minute?

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