4. What. A. Day.

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Chapter Four

After doing Alexander's errands for him all day, I am beat.

I finish typing up my last email in my inbox and I click on the send button.


I cross my arms and I put my head on top of them.

I hear heels clap on the hardwood in front of me. I look up and I see it's Elizabeth with a long peacoat with her purse on her elbows, with her arms crossed.

"Yep. Your first day at Caldwell Management will be hard but the second day will be harder."

I smile and I lean back in my chair. I look around to see all cubicles dimmed out and only my desk with lights currently on.

"Me and the girls were gonna go to Cumberland's Pub in downtown? You wanna come?"

I look at my phone to see it's 6:45.

"Oh umm sure. You think Alexander will mind?"

"Not at all."

I smile as I grab my purse and my phone.

"Come on, we got 15 minutes till happy hour." says Elizabeth as she snapped her fingers.

I laugh and I walk out the door with Elizabeth.

I walk to the curb to catch a cab but Elizabeth walks up to a red convertible car.

"Come Cass! You can ride with me."

I turn around and I walk towards the car.

"You don't mind?"

She shakes her head as she puckered her lips.

She unlocks the door for me and I climb inside the car.

The interior of the car was beautiful and roomy too.

"Nice car."

"Thanks." she said finally climbing in

She started her car and a pop song played in the background.

She backed up and left the corporate park.

As we rode down the street the song still plays.

"And I will find yooouuu." said Elizabeth as she drove

I sat in the car awkwardly as a girl driving on her friend's parents car for the first time.

"So, what did you think of your first day?"

"Oh, I thought it was interesting. Very different from my last one."

"That's good. You are one of the lucky ones because some people get laid off and they are out searching for months.."


"I think its awesome that you found are as from a couple of months ago."

"I know right..luck."

"Luck indeed." adds Elizabeth

I look around to see we slow down at a small little pub in the center of downtown.

Elizabeth soon parks in a parking spot near the door and parks. We both climb out at the same time.

As we walked near the pub outside was 2 ladies that look similar like Elizabeth. One had wavy, shoulder length brunette hair and another had long platinum blonde hair.

They laugh to themselves and as they see us and their smiles turn into frowns.

"Hey guys!" said Elizabeth cheerily

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