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***Trigger warning for most of the story! Mention of suicide, thoughts of suicide, violence***

I don't like my name.


Every time someone says it, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. A type of taste that makes you scrunch up your face in disgust. And I'm disgusted. Disgusted at myself and all the anxious feelings I can't escape from. Anxiety and PTSD. Depression and thoughts of self harm. Its disgusting what I go through. The fear of something triggering me and leaving me paralyzed and crying. Wailing and screaming. And yet out of everything, the thing I hate the most, is still my name.


Her voice haunts my head. Her screams plague my nightmares.




It was the last thing I heard before I blacked out. The last thing I could remember of that night. The night of pain, fire, and loss. The night I lost her forever. The night she was stolen away from me before she was ever mine.


Every time I hear it, it reminds me of how weak I was. How weak I still am. I couldn't do anything. I thought over and over, a thousand times over, what I could have done differently. What could I have said? Could I have prevented her from dying? Or was her fate already written in the stars, and I have always been doomed to hear her voice echo my name? Echo even in the silence of my mind.


I really hate my name. Like I really hate myself.

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