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 "Are you ok now," Namjoon asked with half of his mouth full of mashed potatoes.

"Yeah I'm fine." I poked at my food, "I think I just got nervous talking to a girl."

"When's the last time you did?"

I had to think about it hard. Because if he meant any woman, then it'd be the nurse back at the college. But I doubt that's who he meant. If he means a girl my age or younger, it's probably been some months.

"A while..."

He chuckled as he continued to eat his dinner, "It's a normal reaction. Nothing to worry about. But I'm proud you didn't ignore her or anything. Good job."

I pushed my full plate of food to the side and slouched over the table, "Ughhh, why does that not make me feel better?"

"What did she look like?"

I blinked a bit, confused as to why he'd ask all of a sudden, but I shrugged it off. "Um, normal?"

"What's normal?"

"Glasses, long hair in a ponytail, cheerful voice, short."

"Anything else," he watched me carefully.

"Not really...?" I sat up properly again, "Why?"

"She your type?"

"How does someone even have a type?"

He licked his lips, rubbed his stomach and pushed away his empty plate, "Kid, having a type is just what you're attracted by. Qualities of a person that you favor."

"That sounds complicated."

He chuckled as he stood up, taking his empty plate to the sink, "It's not, trust me. You'll know when you know."

I frowned as I pulled my plate back to me again. "That sounds like fortune cookie crap."

He busted out laughing as he ran the water and started washing his plate. I smiled a bit as I started eating my cold steak and potatoes.

I'm back again at the craft store, standing in front of the art supplies, and once again deciding what I want to buy. Though, half of my brain is centered on the girl. So I can't really concentrate on just one brand or what I want to buy first.

I don't remember fretting this much, but then again, it's been a long time.

"Can I help you with- Oh, it's you again. Hello."

I glance her way for a second before looking ahead at the supplies hanging on the shelf, "Hello again." I groaned internally at the way my voice sounded flat and bored.

"Do you need any help?"

"No thanks."

"Oh, ok."

I didn't just imagine her voice dipping a bit did I?

"Well if you need any help feel free to ask," she said politely.

I watched as she turned to leave, but my body moved before I could help it. I tapped her shoulder and did my best to speak.

"So um, actually- so what's your type?"

"Excuse me," she asked with some shock to her voice.

I pointed behind me, "The paint. The brushes. Which type do you prefer?"

"Oh," she said a little relieved. "Um...." she walked past me to the paints and looked at them carefully. "I like this brand a lot. It doesn't smell as bad as some of the others. And I think it's a bit thicker, so it doesn't run and drip like other brands."

"It's expensive," I said with little concern, but more as fact.

"Oh um, is there a price range you're looking for?"

I glance her way for a second once again before looking back at the paint, "No, I'll get these." I randomly grabbed some tubes of paint and started leaving the isle.

I heard her following me. It reminded me a lot of the girls at the college. Because they always used to giggle and whisper behind me. Girls always do that. Even before the accident. The girls in my dance class would always whisper. Chatter. Whisper and chatter. Over and over and over and-

"Will you stop following me please?!"

As I spun around to yell at her, the shock of my voice made her freeze on the spot. She opened her mouth a few times to speak but remained speechless. Her hands came up to nervously push her glasses up as she took a step back. And the scared look in her eyes reflected the scared feelings in me.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I-" I quickly put the paints on the nearest set of bins in the middle of the main isle, "I'm not feeling well." I bowed my head a bit, avoided her shaken gaze, and left. 

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