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'Are you doing ok? That Namjoon guy said he was a doctor? He's your brother?'

'Jungkook what happened today?'

'Are you sure you're ok?'


'I understand if you don't want to talk about it but are you at least ok?'



'I know we don't know each other that well but i'm really worried about you. I've never seen someone look like that before, like how you looked.'

'.....you don't have to talk to me, I understand.'

'I hope you're doing well'

'Please take care of yourself'


I only sent one text to Y/N. It said I was sorry for what happened and that I was thankful she was worried about me. Other than that I left her alone. I never responded to her other texts and I never called her.

I have to come to terms with Park Jimin. And I don't want to involve her. She deserves better than my own problems dragging her down. I like her enough to not do that to her.

But I do miss her. Even if we only knew each other for a few months, I actually got pretty attached. But I suppose I'll just have to come to terms with that as well.

Maybe I'm meant to be alone.

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