3 Part 3

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But healing isn't easy.

It's almost a year now since I've been here in this hospital, and I still have nightmares. I still wake up in a cold sweat. I still cry at night. I still feel dead inside.

But at least I can go through the motions I need to in order to survive. I'm able to eat plenty; stuff my stomach so much like a bear about to go into hibernation. I can talk to others if I want, though, I normally don't. I can paint at ease, talk to Namjoon without struggling, and even talk to my parents normally.

They're all proud of me for making so much progress. But Namjoon isn't as convinced. And now that he's the head director of the hospital, he has the last say in my rehabilitation. It's not fair, but I still respect him. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.

And I guess, it's not all bad. I at least have my painting. My true source of salvation and cure for boredom.

My favorite part of the day. One hour isn't nearly long enough, but I make the most of it every day.

But once I enter the room I immediately run into someone.

"Ow! Shit, shit, that hurt!"

I have no idea who this lady is. Even when I see her face better, her eyes are looking at me curiously, I still have no clue of her identity. Perhaps a new doctor or counselor.


But it's not my problem, whoever she is. I just ignore her and head for the cabinet that holds all the materials. Paints, brushes, an easel, and an empty canvas. I set up comfortably and start squeezing out a lot of red onto my palette.

"Is your favorite color red," the lady asked from her spot by the door.


"What are you going to paint?"

I almost don't hear her. Because I've gotten so used to ignoring most people. Everyone but Namjoon. And besides, this lady is just really annoying. I keep stroking the paint on the canvas without so much as giving her a glance.

"She was really beautiful. Your dance partner I mean."

My heart quickened. Because suddenly I'm reminded of the beauty I missed. A beauty I miss every damn day.

I stopped painting, put the brush and palette down and finally turned towards the strange lady. "Who are you?"

She cleared her throat, making me glance at the bandages on her neck for a second, "I'm Nam- I mean, I'm a friend of Director Kim. I used to work here."

"Are you a counselor?"

"Yes I am."

If she's a counselor, then I don't have anything else to say to her. I only talk to Namjoon. I turn back around and pick up my brush, "Go away."

"Listen I'll be honest, I'm here because I'm trying to help someone. And in order to help him, I need some information. What can you tell me about Park-"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

I spin around in time to see Namjoon pissed off; dragging that lady out of the room. I had never seen him look that scary before. Even when I attacked him, he was never pissed off at me. Not like what his eyes suggested just now.

'What can you tell me about Park-'

I felt my chest tighten at the thought. She was cut off. What was she going to say?

And for the first time, I skipped out on the hour for art to tend to my curiosity. Because the tight feeling in my chest isn't something I can ignore. Not like the people here in this hospital. No. I need to know what she was going to say. Although, my gut is just telling me to turn back. To tune out the thoughts of what if. But regardless of my gut feeling, my feet are just dragging me helplessly; following after my doctor.

I stay far enough away so as not to be seen, but I'm close enough to hear them.

"When Jungkook was brought here, I was the one to interview him and give him counseling. I'm pretty fond of the kid. And... I did what we are pledged not to do; I took matters into my own hands and tried to press charges on his behalf."

"You what?! Really?"

Leaned up against the building, I seem to lose all feeling in my legs. I slide down until my ass is touching the ground. Sitting and listening, I'm at a loss for words. I never knew he did any of that. Why would he do that?

But the more I listened, the more I got my answers. That lady is Park Jimin's therapist, his doctor. And she came here to talk to me about him. Namjoon tried to press charges on my behalf but was turned away by the police. Park Jimin's family did everything they could to protect their family image. Park Jimin seems to be in some hospital like me and is getting help.

I scratched my dull nails through my scalp as I leaned my head forward. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

At least he isn't out and free. He's being held somewhere, never to see the light of day again.

I find the strength in my legs once more and decide to walk away. My head is starting to hurt, and someone might be looking for me now anyways. So for the time being, I'll go back to my room and wait. I'll keep doing what I've been doing. Waiting. I'll wait to talk to Namjoon. I'll wait to be released. I'll stay obedient to time, because time won't fail me.

Time is my friend.

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