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I never imagined I'd come back here again. Not when I left over two years ago. I was set in never coming back. Because there was only pain here. A city of liars, a city of greed, and a city of superficial words and faces. If I'm honest, I hate this city.

But the security I feel with Namjoon outweighs my hate. Besides, I think I've come a long way. Though, I do feel myself looking at my cellphone; the clock on the screen ticking.

Old habits die hard. And I'm trying to break this life of time and schedules.

"Are you really sure it's ok for me to crash at your place hyung? Isn't this like some kind of code you're breaking?"

He laughed deep from his chest, "No way. You're not a patient anymore. So it doesn't matter." He unlocked the door and walked in, "Just don't make it weird kid. This is your home for as long as you want it to be."

"I guess no ladies are coming around here then. Otherwise you wouldn't be so open about me staying here."

He smacked the back of my head as I passed him to put my suitcase down in the living room.

His apartment is really nice. A lot cleaner than I thought it would be. And a little bit more empty than I imagined. It's almost like my old place in Busan. There's only one small couch in the living room facing the TV. There aren't many pots and pans and dishes in his kitchen. There's only a couple of family pictures hanging up, but other than that, a few blown up polaroids take space on the wall as well as several of his school achievements.

It doesn't look like an apartment someone has been living in.

But once you take a step into the guest bedroom, you saw evidence of a person living here. He had turned it into an office. And inside, on the floors as well as his desk, there were piles of papers and books. Sticky notes were placed everywhere, even on the ceiling somehow. But I won't go into that. It's honestly a room of chaos, and I don't know how he manages to get anything done in here.

"Why do you do this to yourself?"

"What are you talking about?"

I gestured with my hands, "This! It's chaos! Why?"

"To you it's chaos. But to me-" he stretched as he plopped down behind his desk into his large leather chair, "it's home."

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders, "Whatever you say. I'll just take the couch then."

"Go for it."

I saw him lift a few papers on his desk and start mumbling to himself about finding something, but I left him alone. It just gave me a headache being in that room. Given, I didn't have much stuff in my apartment to clutter, and I guess I didn't really clean much, but everything scattered like that drives me nuts. At least pick up the floor!

I let out a deep breath as I take a seat on the small couch. If I were to stretch my legs out completely and lay down on it, my head would be on one arm rest, while my ankles and feet hung off the other end. I wouldn't last long on this couch. I need to figure out my situation before too long. Besides, I don't wanna impose on him. I don't want to depend on him.

I've been on my own for a while now and I'd like to think I was doing ok.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the couch.

Before my thoughts get carried away I just take a deep breath. Because my thoughts can get me in trouble. My thoughts make me wanna look at my phone. I wanna know what time it is so bad. Because not having a set schedule is a little more than terrifying for me.

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