3 Part 2

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Our sessions became easier after that day.

I didn't feel pressured to talk if I didn't want to. And he was kind enough to have conversations with me. It wasn't just a doctor/patient relationship. He felt like a friend. Like an older brother. It was just the two of us talking; or more like, he did a lot of the talking and I just listened.

He's told me so much about him. Even said that what he was doing was unethical, but he made me promise to keep it to myself. I promised I would. It's not like I have anyone other than him to talk to.

"I noticed you've picked up painting?"

I nod.

"What sorts of things have you been painting?"


He watched as I stared at my hands in my lap. He slipped his glasses on as he jotted something down on his notepad. "Sunsets? Do you enjoy them?"

"They're pretty."

He smiled, "Yes they are."

"Did you and your ex ever go looking at sunsets?"

He slipped off his glasses and tucked them into the front pocket of his long white Doctor's coat, "No we never did. Although, we did go stargazing once."

"Was it pretty?"

"The prettiest."

I looked up and saw him smile, he looked so happy. And his happiness was like a bright light, too bright for me to look at anymore. I tucked my chin into my chest and stared at my fingers.

"....she was the prettiest."

"Who? Who was the prettiest?"

"You know who," I said with some defiance.

"And why can't you say her name?"

I held my tongue.


His voice seemed to echo in my head. My name being spoken like that. As if I was far away and he was trying to call for me. But his voice started morphing. Jungkook. Jungkook. Her voice rang perfectly in my head. It was a cry for help. And somehow the beautiful smile she had was turning into panic. She was so scared. She looks terrified as she reaches out to me. Still crying out my name, still crying for me to save her.

As she was being raped, she still tried to call for me. And in doing so it just got her killed. Killed by that psychopath....

My blood started boiling. My body shaking. Because it's all his fault. It's his fault.

Why am I the one locked up? Why does he get to walk around innocent?!

I hate him! I hate him so much!

But his smirk lingers. Its as if he's standing right in front of me. Park Jimin. Still egotistical, controlling, charming, and dangerous. He stands in front of me, here, in Namjoon's office as I seethe on the couch. He just laughs at me as I cry and struggle. I'm so angry. And he just keeps laughing!

"I'll kill you!!!!"

I launched myself up from the couch at Jimin who stood a few feet away. I felt his neck in between my hands as I squeezed as tight as I could.

"Jungkook! Stop..."

By the time I came back to my senses, I could only make out a pen falling from my hand before I blacked out.

Coming out of a forced sleep is always the worst. I feel so heavy. Like a bag of potato's. Each limb is twenty pounds heavier than they should be. But the more I try and move, I realize that it isn't just my body that's tired. I physically can't move my limbs because I've been strapped to the bed.

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