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"Jungkook, you need to eat."

"I'm not hungry."

Namjoon stared at me as I continued to lie on his couch, curled up in a ball. "If you don't eat now you'll leave me no choice but to call an ambulance. I can hook you up to IV's if I have too."

I angrily sat up and hurried to take the sandwich in his hands and started stuffing my face. I ate and ate until it was gone within a matter of one minute. I glared at him before going back to lying down. I made sure to face the back of the couch, so that he couldn't see me crying.

Not this time. My tears are just for me.

"Jungkook, have you talked to Y/N?"


"You'll feel better if you do."

"Jungkook, drink this before I go."

"Why should I?"

"Because if you don't I'll-"

Before he can threaten me with calling an ambulance, I quickly grab the protein shake from his hands and gulp it down. Some of it spills, but I don't care. I make sure to drink every last drop and hand him the mug. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and return to the couch.

Namjoon frowns as he puts the mug in the sink and leaves for work.

"Hyung... I wanna talk to Park Jimin."

Namjoon looked up from his laptop with a straight face, "No."

"And why not?!" I stormed forward and threw my hands towards him, "You can't stop me from seeing him! I need to see him!"

"What you need is to leave this apartment. You need to breathe air other than your own stink." He closed his laptop and stood up, hands in his pockets, "Jungkook, I'm not going to allow you to see him."

I breathed heavily as my anger fueled up inside of me, "I can do whatever the hell I want!"

"And what is that you want?!"

"I want him to own up to what he did to me!!! HE OWES ME!!"

"Is that what you think?!"

"Yes! He should get on his hands and knees and fucking beg me to forgive him!" I threw my hands angrily towards Namjoon, "Because I deserve something for the years of pain!"

Namjoon stomped around his desk. He looked taller, intimidating. I naturally started stepping back, away from him until my back was against the wall. I felt cornered.

"He doesn't owe you anything when you're acting like a self pitying child!"

"Shut the fuck up! I'm not a self pitying child! Don't just talk to me like that because you're a fucking doctor!" I screamed back at him, squaring my shoulders so I could be face to face with him. "Why aren't you on my side?!"

He scoffed in my face, "Was I not helping you eat!? Was I not forcing you to drink!? HUH?! I have literally been by your side, worried out of my mind about you! And you think I'm not on your side?!"

He slammed his hand hard against the wall and I knew I was wrong.

I bit down on my bottom lip hard and stormed out of his office. I stood in the middle of the living room and cried. My shoulders were shaking uncontrollably as my tears just poured out of me, like my anger and my hate poured out of me. I really had stooped so low as to insult him and deny his efforts to help me along.

I really am such a child.

And instead of consoling me, all he did was rub the top of my head a little before returning to his office.

I knew this was something I'd have to get through on my own. Because Namjoon couldn't do everything for me. And I know this.

I cried by myself, because I need to heal by myself. No one is going to do that for me.

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