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Present day.

I wake up to see a ceiling fan slowly spinning. It's not even spinning fast enough to create wind. It's annoying how slow it's going. But it's even more annoying that I can't remember how I got here. Wherever I am. A room that looks an awful lot like the nurses station at the college.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the hottie janitor. Good morning cutie."

I blink several times to wash away the sleep from my eyes, "What happened?"

"Apparently you passed out in front of the college. Some students carried you to my office."

I sat up slowly, confused, "I passed out?"

"Like a hammer on a nail. Bam!" She clapped her hands loudly. "Down to the concrete you go!"

I raised an eyebrow at the eccentric woman. She was probably in her 50s, what with the few wrinkles around her eyes and mouth. And her choice in clothing might have given away her age as well; very old fashioned. Her glasses hung on a colorful beaded necklace, sitting on top of a black and white polkadotted blouse that was tucked into long maroon slacks. She looked just like a nurse would, I suppose. But seeing her just reminded me of Namjoon. Because she wore a long white Doctor's coat just like he always did.


"What's that cutie," she asked, leaning in a little closer. Too close for my comfort.

I pushed the blanket off of me and swung my legs on the opposite side of the bed from her. But as I did, I felt my knees protest. I inhaled sharply at the stinging. They felt badly bruised.

"Oh is there something wrong?"

I just did my best to ignore the pain, not wanting to bother her any longer. "No no no, I think I just need to go home and rest."

"Yes, that would be best. Perhaps a warm meal and some water would do you good."

"Of course," I tried to say with some thanks to my voice.

"If you feel like passing out again, feel free to come by my office anytime!" She laughed at her own forwardness; waving as I started making my way down the hall.

I bowed a little to her before disappearing out of her sight completely. My knees were protesting heavily, but the pain I felt in my heart was greater. I knew where I needed to go. Because as time would have it, my schedule was permanently changed. No more lists, no more boxes to be checked.

The life I was living, wasn't a life at all.

And seeing Namjoon reminded me of that.

Lotte Hotel is as grand as you'd imagine.

It's connected to several high end restaurants, as well as high end retailers that sold jewelry, clothing, and other expensive merchandise. It's a place I'd never imagined myself at. I don't match this place. A place that seems to pride itself on cleanliness, modern art, grand foyers, and exquisite furnishing. A place that had someone playing a grand piano for it's guests, a bar that was serving the most expensive wines and spirits, and a staff that seemed they belonged in a magazine.

And yet, here I am, standing idely in line to wait my turn to talk to one of the girls behind the service counter.

"Next guest please."

I didn't miss the way the girl looked at me. At first she seemed interested in my face, my looks. But she could tell a second later I didn't belong here, not with my disheveled hair, downtrodden look in my eyes, and a dirty old jumpsuit on. Now she looks a little put off, but her voice remained cheery.

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