Chapter 1

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Beam: I tried to swallow the pain. Drinks after drinks yet I still cannot forget him. Forth face kept on coming  in front of my eyes as if he was there with me at the moment. The picture started to getting blur as I felt a sharp pain. Shit! I have hit myself at the edge of the table.

Fuck Beam! Kit exclaimed.
What the hell are you doing. It's dark, don't move. You are drunk, come here let me take you back.

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I looked around and found myself in kit's room. I remember kit getting me back from the pub.

Good morning P'Beam, Ming handsome face smiled at me.

Good morning Ming, Why I am here?

Kit with an irritated yet worried face, "look at yourself you were wasted last night . If I would have left you alone, don't know where your body would have been lying now. Have this ginger and water,it will help you with your hangover and get ready we are going out. I am not letting you stay alone, not at this condition"

Kit looked at Ming. Ming with an understanding nod smiled at him and turned towards me, "P'Beam, kit is right, let's go out and have lunch. We can go for a movie after that"

I didn't want to spoil their date. Hardly they used to get time to be alone. With 4th semester theirs more workload and practical and Ming too is busy with his classes and duties as the moon of the university.

"Finally I said, Ai'kit, seriously I am having severe headache, I won't be able to go. You don't have to worry, I will be fine. You guys go out and enjoy. I will be happy if you do that. Ming please take kit, I am fine, I need to sleep more"

Kit was hesitating and I know this boy won't easily go. So I with a request asked Ming to please take him away.

But Kit just won't go and with a worried face he said, "No Beam! I can't allow you to stay here alone sulking. What has happen, it happened. There's no point crying over it. Even Forth won't be happy to see you like this"

Hearing his name, I felt the pain again. I didn't want to hear anymore. And with pleading eyes, I asked Kit, please let me have my space. I promise you I will be fine.

I looked at Ming and Ming understanding me took Kit along with him, only Ming can now control this boy.

I washed myself. The smell of alcohol still lingering over me. I need to take a shower.

I gathered my clothes and with a heavy heart walk towards my room.

As I opened the lock the  room felt silent. Everything was in its place yet still it was like stranger to me.

After showering as I was going through my wardrobe I found his shirt nearly staked in between my unruly clothes. I can smell him, his smell still lingering around. I wore it, feeling him, embracing me. I closed my eyes only to open with loud banging on my door.

How long have I slept, 8-9 hrs. It was 8 P. M. As I checked my mobile there were 72 missed calls from Kit, Pha, Ming and Yo.

My phone ringed. Kit shrieking "Ai Beam, what the hell are you doing, we thought you were dead. Open the door now!

I opened the door and saw kit, Ming, Pha, Yo, all standing outside.

Kit gave me the deadly glare and spoke" What the hell were you up to, sleeping like a log or were still sulking trying to shut yourself down "

Anger flowed through him, Pha too seem to be worried. Kit saw the shirt I was wearing and with sad eyes he hugged me.

" Ai Beam we were fucking worried. From next time atleast give us your spare key or change your fucking ring tone. You must be deaf so change it to a higher volume, kit sounded fine now.

Pha too came and hugged me. I brushed them off saying " if they are so eager to hug then hug their boyfriends " and kit responded with a sharp kick.

We all sat down. They had brought dinner. I can see how hard they were trying to make me smile. I shook away the thought of him and smiled.

My friends are here, why I am making hard for them by being like this. I was happy seeing both Pha and Kit with their eyes full of love. It's funny how time flies. Ming was his usual self, not getting enough of kit, keeping his eyes on him. His eyes were full of love and a spark was there which kit can feel. Yo was cute and smiling adorably at Pha. Pha has been waiting for him for a very  long time and finally they are here together as a couple. And here I felt a void as I kept plastering a  smile over my face.

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