Chapter 13

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I love this song, "Stay with me" by Sam Smith. I feel that this song perfectly fits for Forth. I have enjoyed this song while writing the following chapters. I hope you guys will love the song too. Thanks for reading my fanfiction and keep loving this fanfic 😊

>>Forth <<

Someone voice drawn me out of my slumber. Forth, Max called out for me. It's been only weeks meeting this person and now he is here calling me. Worst is, he is so cheered up, greeting me as I am someone close to him. I raised my eyes meeting his. Yes, I blurted out those words with the most uninterested face that I can make. But he came and sat next to me saying, Can I sit here but before I could respond he already took the place. I turned my body towards the opposite side, my back facing him but only to be shook by him.

Forth he called again. You are friends with Pha right, he said and I heard you are close with kit and Beam too. I gave him a nod.

He asked again, so What do you think of Beam? My body stiffened and before I could say anything he spoke again, Its been long that I haven't been with them. It seems all of us have matured and grown into someone where I know only their younger self. Then he continued again, I have heard that Beam used to have a boyfriend but now they have broken up.

A cold aura surrounded me. Max continued with his blabbering , actually I Like Beam. His voice was low but the words that fell from his lips were sharp enough to make my eyes red. He said, I have liked him for long but I didn't know that he liked Man but now that I know I have a reason to chase after him. And I am grateful that he has broken up with his boyfriend. I owe that guy, his ex, a lot, you know. He said and smiled at me as if he know he was directly talking to Beam's ex.

I didn't know how to react. My heart was in knots and all those words were stabbing me, playing, twisting my heart. Suddenly he held my hand, Forth, I know I shouldn't ask you this but can you please help me chase after Beam. I cannot ask Kit and Pha as they are over protective about him and since I know you, I can only ask you for your help. His eyes were right through me piercing me like a blade.

I shook his hand away and without thinking much I said, I don't know whether I can help you or not but I guess Beam don't like you in a romantic way.

Max laughed saying it doesn't matter cause he will make Beam fall for him.

I wanted to punch this guy and his confidence right at the moment. Calming myself I said Max, trust me, keep your distance. Pha and Kit won't let you in peace. Infact I have heard that they treated Beams ex very badly. Beam is known to be a Casanova. He just date and dump after his heart is content. He played around with many girls so just forget the idea of dating him. Max listened to me carefully, sensing at his attention I said more , I have also heard that Beam made his ex do all the work and he didn't let him go out with his friends. It was like that guy was imprisoned, moreover he merely became Beams puppet. Beam is overtly possessive and had very bad temper. Last time he beat his ex that he was not able to get up just because his ex didn't ask him for his permission for an outing.

I held max and said, boy I hope you will be able to face all this, my good wishes are with you. He looked nervous, anxiousness hovered over his face and I can see sweats broke out on his forehead. Feeling accomplished I exaggerated more. He closed his eyes and sigh, as he opened his eyes he thanked me.

Thanks Forth, I didn't know Beam can act as such. He slowly got up and walked away.

Feeling accomplished and happy, I went for my classes. For few days I didn't see Max around but one day.

I didn't know this guy can be so thick-headed that even after warning him so much, he was following Beam. He was happily tugging himself with Beam. I just sat at a bench close to them. My eyes glued at that puppy eyes, waving his tail at Beam and smiling every time he says something.

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