Chapter 3

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I drove through the alleyway. As the winter was approaching the nights were darker.

I drive without looking back. The speed was enough to make any being shrink .

The wind was brushing against my sore face. The blood had dried away, only leaving those blue blotch covering my face. I don't know for how long I was driving but I didn't want to stop until my body gives away. I wanted to run away as far as possible.

Suddenly I pressed the brakes, the bike jolted throwing my upper body from the sudden action.

The place looked familiar, it was Beam's and my favorite restaurant.

We have found it when we were sneaking out from our friends. We had our first official date here.The place became our favorite since then .

It is a small and cozy restaurant . Beam is a rich kid, I thought he fancy lavish, big restaurants but his preference were simple.

His favorite was the glass noodles with clear soup and meat balls. The food was bland for my taste but Beam enjoyed it as if it's the best he has tasted so far.

We smiled and talked throughout the night without any worries and awkwardness. It was the day we have accepted each other fully.

It was the precious memories making me smile and cry out in pain at the same time.

I walked into the restaurant.

Forth! Tai, the restaurant guy called me. We have come here so often that everyone knows us.

What's wrong with your face? He asked me.

Department, I responded coldly.

"You and your SOTUS system", He sigh!

Everyone knew about engineering department and their values. We wore our values as our batches and SOTUS was it.

So where is Beam? I haven't seen him around for quite a time, he asked me as everytime when we visit the place it used to be us two.

My eyes flickered and my heart twitched hearing his name.

He is not with me, I responded.

Off course, if he sees you like this you would be in trouble and beside sometimes you should give yourself some time out of your love life, he smirked.

So regular? He asked me. I nodded.

I will get your spicy noodles and fried pork then and since Beam's not here, Do you want to smoke? He sneakily asked me as I have stop smoking for good.

I just answered without any interest "No, I am good. Just the noodles"

Umm..... Wait get me the bland one, I said. (Beam's fav)

"OK lover boy, even though your boyfriends not here you are being a good lad" . He laughed and disappeared into the kitchen.

Forth shoved the spoon in his mouth. His movements were mechanical as if he was there just to fill his stomach and nothing else.

His eyes were staring coldly at the seat opposite to his. His eyes were sharp, burning down the image of the person who used to sit there.

He with a pain expression thought,
I would forget you, your existence, starting from here. This will be my last time here. He swallowed the last bit of the dish, killing himself
and the person associated with it.

The door was open. Forth thought who could be at his room at this hour.

"Lam, What are you doing here" ?

Forth, where were you? I was fucking worried. Those guys from other department really got us this time. As he spoke he was gasping for air.

Lam handed me something saying "Here, I got you this medicine. Apply it on your wounds. Take rest and please take care of yourself. And do sleep"

The bloodshot eyes were enough to tell how him how I was doing.

"Let yourself out of this torture, he exclaimed"

Forth had no desire to continue the conversation. He spoke,

Lam, if you want me to be at rest then please leave me alone.

Lam left and closed the door.

Lying on the bed, Forth switched his phone on.

The wallpaper made him froze.

He was smiling at him, Beam face shone bright. This was the picture which Beam had taken without any complaints. He stood there comfortably and gave Forth his best smile while he clicked fixing his eyes at the person whom he have loved the most.

He used to look at this picture continuously for hours. The more he look, the more he fell in love with the person making his heart somersault every time but now it only pained him.

He punched the headboard only to make him numb to the feeling he was having. The pain indeed is the best medicine for an another pain.

A whispered broke out of Forth lips, Why didn't you love me?


Hope you are enjoying the story. I know it's slow and painful to see our babies suffering.

Let it rained now for the sun to shine again 😉

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