Chapter 12

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(from now it's the present)

>>Beam <<

Excuse me, one cold coffee please. Make it two. I turned around and to my surprise it was Max. Apart from Pha and Kit if I have someone to be called as friend is this guy but he was in Singapore. Even after all this years he was still the same, only difference was now he was as tall as a basketball player. All his nutrition must have been worked in making him this tall . After those silence seconds of comprehending , Max spoke first,Hello friend.I hope you haven't forgotten me. Hell no! I broke the silence with a hug.

Max, how come you are here? I asked.

My father got transferred back to Thailand so I transferred my school too and I was missing home, he said.

Shortly Kit and Pha joined us. Ai'kit, you remember him right? I poked him while asking him the question.

Kit with an annoyed look, How can I forget him. He used to steal my stationary and bully me all the time. Max with a cheerfully laugh, KitKat, that's all you remember? Don't you remember how I used to chase you. In fact you have become more cuter than before. Kit scowled and all of us ended up laughing, reminiscing the old days.

It was not that Max liked Kit in a romantic way but he liked to bully our KitKat so that he can eat his tiffin that he end up chasing him in literal terms not liking. Kit didn't knew the reason and the thief behind who used to eat his tiffin till yet.

Kit, I hope you are not embarrassed as you thought he liked you.

Shut it Beam, I knew from before and it's unreasonable for him to like a man, kit said.

So you don't hate him like you used to, I asked jokingly.

No, I still don't like him but I don't despise him either. In fact it's good that he is here, you are smiling now, kit said.

I didn't realize that I have laughed so hard that I had tears and it felt so long that I have laughed wholeheartedly.

After my classes. Max called me, Beam let's have lunch, I have no one to eat with and I want someone to show me the university too. I readily agreed. I was free and it was long that I haven't catch up with him and being with him I forget about other matters.

The cafeteria was hustling and waiting for our turn will take ages, so I thought it's better to go and show him the university saving both our time. We were near the engineering faculty when I stopped him and took the turn around. As we were passing through the building, the engineer boys were out. They were on their knees, the soil beneath them were damp and they were drenched. Worst the weather was getting colder now.

Looks like those boys are punished, such ruthless seniors, Max said. As I was about to speak, my eyes fell on Forth. His face had the solemn composure and then our eyes met. I stood there dumbfounded. His eyes were cold and dark, my heart ached seeing him like this and while I was contemplating with my thoughts, Max snapped me out of it and pulled me. I don't know whether the force was strong or I was weak that I lost my balance and ended up in his arms. What were you thinking, so deep. Max laughed.


How cruel can this senior be. We didn't broke any protocol but still we were getting punished just for a small fight with the science department.

Forth, for how long they are going to keep us here? Lam asked me. My knees are about to crack , Lam lips trembled while saying out those words.

Is that Beam? Lam asked me but as I was about to raised my eyes, Lam suddenly blocked my view. Ah, it's someone else. Why would he be here at this hour? Lam laughed and brush me aside.

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