chapter 16

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This is the last chapter 😊
Now this is 5 years ahead of the time. So future!

>>Forth <<

"Where are you? Don't tell me you are about to reach as I am not buying that. If you are not going to be here in time, I am walking out of this ", Beam voice was loud and he was angry. He was about to rip me off anytime when he will face me.

I know he was stressed out but I couldn't help it.

" Who got me this Damm tie? I shouted " while struggling to make the knot.

Pha came and laughed at me." I thought you will look good in this tie and it will also suit your tux but who knew you can't even tie a simple knot"

Pha, I am not joking. I cannot be late today. Beam is going to kill me. I emphasized those last two words. Why didn't I get that neck bow tie, I thought to myself.

"Let me help you P', Ming came forward and folded that sleek cloth giving it the form.

Damn, why the traffic has to be here at this hour! As the time was tickling, I felt as if every seconds was challenging and teasing me. I have to beat it because my life was at stake.

Phew! On time. I breathe, sighed out in relieve as I reached.

P' where were you? Why you guys took so long? Nong' Yo asked us.

Is everyone here? I asked him.

Yes, P'

How's Beam doing? I asked

Kit answered, Hot headed.

Shit! I managed to make him mad at our wedding day too. I approached to open the door.

Wait P', Yo wiped the sweat from my head. Pha veins could be seen popping out of his forehead as he cringe.

Serves you right Pha, I said out loud. Yo developed the crimson color in his face.

Beam was pacing up and down. As he saw me, " Forth! What took you so long?"

I just clubbed my hand together , bowing, begging for forgiveness. "Please be calm Beam, today is our wedding "

If you know today is the wedding then why the hell you are late!! Beam roared.

"I am sorry, be calm na" . I tried to calm him down.

Beam finally settled. And as we were about to enter the room, Beam stopped me. " Wait, your hair is all messed up". He started fixing my hair and a warmth developed in my chest, filling me inside.

"Should I gouge your eyes, what are you looking at". Beam asked.

Nothing, it just so surreal. You are going to be my wife, I said.

Who said I will be your wife? Beam looked at me wide-eyed.

Wouldn't you ? I asked him, perplexed

"No, I am marrying you, not you marrying me", He said.

"No, I am marrying you. I remember clearly asking you" . I said as a matter of fact and it indeed was true. I asked him to marry me.

No, if then, I am not going to marry you. Beam said and started to take his tux.

Guys can you please argue later, people don't have leisure time like you guys, Kit said stomping in front of us.

Both of us looked at each other and still not letting our guards down, our group of friends finally pushed us through the door.

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