Chapter 2

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I felt nauseous. It must be because  I have only consuming liquor for the past few days.

Pha patted me, gently stroking my back. I threw out those pesky liquids burning down my throat. One pain was enough that I have bid one more.
Was it my own doing that I am suffering this much?

"Beam, are you done? Get up, let's make you rest for a while ", Pha  tried pulling me up only to be brought down by those liquids working down my throat to the pot.

I looked at the boys and said, I am sorry guys. Please carry on, I will just lie down.

Ai' Beam, for how long are you going to just lie down. Come here and stay with us , kit shouted.

Pha knew I was not in mood now.
Beam, he spoke softly, why don't you get back with Forth. What's the point of making yourself suffer. Look at yourself, I have never seen you like this. Even.... he must be suffering like you.  You know where you have wronged, not only you but even Forth.

Why you guys just solve whatever is between you two. Let yourself go for once.  If you keep yourself shut, how can you two ever reconcile. The more you stay apart, the more distanced you will be.

He continued, I saw Forth, you can tell from his look that even he is not doing well. Beam, I have known Forth for a year now and I know he won't do any wrong, not at least with his relationship. I know how much he...

Pha! I stopped him, please can you help me get up. I tried to avoid the conversation.

Pha's word penetrated through my heart. As much I think about it, I feel more shallow and the thought of getting back becomes more blurred.

Pha, Beam! Why are you guys taking so long. There are people outside, kit shouted from the other end.

We walked out, kit said " Come and sit here even if you don't want to, his glaring eyes were one me as he spoke"

Then again he went on saying "Shit Pha! For how long he is going to make himself pathetic"

Kit stomped out of the room. Shortly he was back with porridge and medicine.

" You can't have anything solid and spicy for now. Take this and rest! "
Even at this demeanor he was still our KitKat.

Finally all  of them left. I went to the balcony. It was cold, generally I am sensitive to cold but yet I didn't feel the chilled wind. It was in fact soothing my heart.

If it would have been few weeks back, I would have locked myself inside but now my body felt numb.

I closed my eyes and the flashback came flooding. Here just few weeks back Forth had hold me, his embrace was enough to warm not only my surroundings but my heart too.

"Beam, you are cold", Forth said as he came and put his hands over my shoulder, holding me close to his chest. His chin was resting on my shoulder. He kissed me on my cheek  slowly his lips trailing down my neck. It was soft and moist. The ticklish feeling ran down my spine.

He felt so warm that I ended up  asking him, "Forth, how come your blood is cold but you are so warm"

He chuckled and said, it's because right now I'm holding the person I treasured most and I am hot right now.

The perverted thought couldn't escape his eyes. I kicked him.

Suddenly the  chilling wind brought me back to my senses. Sigh!

Thank you guys for reading my page. I know it's going slow but please be there with me, I assure  the story will soon take pace. I thought it will be good to give a full insight of the happening as one can relate and feel more with what's happening between the two lead.

This story is short but I will be soon updating more and one can see Forth in the next chapter.

Let's hope the babies will get back together soon.

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