Chapter 8

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Forth's POV.

Prae, it will be fine. Don't worry.
How did they even got hold of the clip.

It's Jay, Forth. He is the one using it against me.

Damn! I didn't know Jay will turn out a Jerk. How can he do this!!

I am afraid Forth, what will happen if my parents find out

Relax, I am here.

I held her hand, it was cold. I felt her pain. Man sometimes really acts like a coward, I thought. Even though both are an equal participant, women always have to suffer more.

I sigh! All I can do now was to comfort her. I held her close, she has been a good friend to me. I can't just walk away from her.

Prae, you have me. Don't worry we will work this out.

Thank You Forth. I am sorry to drag you in this but I couldn't think of anyone who can help me.

It's fine. That's what friends are for. I gave her an assuring smile.

Suddenly my phone vibrates. It's Beam.

Hey Forth, when are you getting done?

I looked at Prae, her looks couldn't betray her. She looked disheveled.

I couldn't tell Beam right now about this and he will be irk by knowing I am with her.

I ended up lying to him about me being with my friends. I felt bad but now I have to assure both, Prae and Beam too.

Prae, give me the details. I need to know more. Right now we can't even ask for help from others. Your family will be in trouble.

Forth, I am scared. Can it be just you and me?

Prae, I am not specialised in this field and it would be to better hurry up then giving Jay more time to harm you.
Don't worry my friends are trustworthy. I called Ken...

Ken, can I have a minute of yours...

After the hiatus, I was tired. I checked the time, it was too late to call Beam.

Forth here you didn't have anything.

Prae, passed me the snacks.

I was hungry but moreover I needed to be with my boyfriend right now.

It's fine Prae, I am in hurry. I will grab something back home.

Forth, it won't take much time. Come, have something.

Prae, Beam must be waiting for me.

Prae smiled at me.
Oh OK, yes Beam. You must hurry. Don't keep your wife waiting. He might take it in an another way.
She winked.

Hahaha... No Prae, my Beam is not just someone like that.

But I have to hurry cause the husband is missing his wife more.

The rooms light were off, beam must have slept.
I tried to not wake him up.

I slowly squeezed myself next to him. Looking at him all my worries fade away. I have realized how much I needed him, he was my tonic.

I kissed him, his soft lips bringing me peace.

I couldn't sleep. It was a lot for me to take in. Prae and Jay,who would have thought that Jay will turn out to a douche bag. If I would have known he would turn up like this I would have never let Prae go.

The thought were making me tired and sick.

Suddenly Beam woke up and in a dash went out of the room. Before I could ask him anything he was out of the room.

Beam, what are you doing this late?


Weren't you with Pha and Kit?

No, change of plan.

I looked at Beam, he was already weak and pale. His department demand so much from him and yet he never take care of himself.

Atleast he should have asked me to get something. But no he won't, this boy never failed to amuse me. He will call but just for trivial things.

Looking at his pale face, I could only sigh.

What about you?

I didn't have it. I couldn't have it as we were occupied with the affair.

So you were busy? He asked.


Beam started leaving, I don't know why. Is the food was bad or there was something wrong, I have tasted it before serving, I didn't put the capsicum and pick out the radish too.

Beam, why are you leaving?

Not hungry anymore.

I don't get it, he was hungry just a minute ago.

He went for bed. I asked him, what was wrong. But he just won't answer.

Then he blurted out that he saw me with Prae. I couldn't lie about that so I just shook it away saying it was nothing. I didn't realize he would be upset about it or I knew but I couldn't think if anything at the time.

I saw his face. He looked hurt. All I said was how sorry I am, of not telling him about it but deep inside I wanted to say, Sorry because I can't tell him about Prae and her problems right now. And just to keep his trust on me. Even I am not sure what I am doing but I need him to keep me going.

I sensed he didn't like me going out with Prae. Off course who will blame him, I once liked Prae, so.. But it was all in past and it was just a crush.

Right now it's only him. I told him how much I love him. I have only him whom I can rest my head on. I have to act strong for my friends but deep inside even I am just a kid. And Beam was the only one whom I can call my home.

He said he was insecure. But it was me who was most insecure. I am afraid of loosing him. I am worried what if a day would come when he will stop loving me and the thought just makes me tremble with fear.

Beam has many admirers. Girl's love him and secretly wants to date him. And this is his first relationship with a guy, I feared what if someone will take him away from me. When I see those beautiful girls seducing him, oh how I envy being a girl and hated being a boy that moment.

Beam still look sad.

I kissed him. Only if he knows what's inside my heart, he will know how much I love and treasure him.

His body relaxed and slowly the love I was holding flowed out covering the space between us. The hunger of not his body but his love unleashed waves throughout my body.

Slowly embracing, we completed each other.

I looked at his handsome face, taking in everything. No matter how much I looked at him, it was not enough.

I am in love and I have never felt so sure.


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