Chapter 7

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The time was tickling at a second pace. After getting done with the assignment I called Kit and Pha. Both were busy with their boyfriends.

Being alone was not a problem but missing him was.

But eventually I end up calling him.

Hey Forth, how long you are going to take?

Ummm.... I don't know Beam. What happen?

Nothing, just.

Ok, I will give you a call after I am done.

It's fine. I am going out with kit and Pha. See you in the evening.

I hung up.
Strolling down the lane, I saw two familiar figures. Forth was with Prae.

I don't know what they are talking about. But both of them were close, sitting next to each other.

Forth was holding her hands. A kind of assurance was there and that made me turned my head away.

Walking a distance,
I called him.

Ring....... Ring.... Ring...


Forth, where are you?

I am..... I am with my friend. Engineering friends. I have to get back beam, they are calling me for drink. Bye

I swallowed the words that I wanted to say .
Beam, sleeping?

I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep.

His soft footsteps were stomping my heart.

Why he lied?
Beam, I try convincing myself. It's fine, he might have been with his friends. I try to reason myself.


As those questions and thought were going on in my head, Forth held me close.

His lips brushing mine, he whispered,

Good night love . Words hold such power that when his lips blurt out that single word, all my anger disappeared and in his embrace I fell asleep.

Grrrrr.... I felt the pain in my stomach. It was growling, roaring for supper. I forgot that in my agony, I forgot to have my dinner.

While shuffling through the refrigerator,

Beam, what are you doing this late?

I raised my eyes and saw Forth.

I am hungry .

Didn't you have your dinner?
You told me that you were out with kit and Pha.

Yes, I was planning to but last- minute the plan got canceled and I fell asleep while reading.

Beam! Why didn't you call me and told me you haven't had your dinner.

Wait.. you did call me but why didn't you ask me get you something.

Forth can you save your lecture for an another day. I am famish.

Give me, let me cook for you.

He took over me. He placed the pot over the stove.

From next time, don't skip your meals. You are a doctor and even then you are not taking care of yourself.

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