Chapter 4

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Ai' Beam! kit called me.
Lately he come to pick me for classes so to make sure that I am attending them.

"Lets go. If we are late Professor won't let us enter.  Pha is coming with Nong Yo, so no need to wait for him"

OK let me get the anatomy notes kit.

Ping! Message from our department.

"We need students of 2nd year medical to come and report in an hour"

I thought we have class. Now what's this! Kit said as he received the message.

Must be some other activities, I said.

A new notification, it was from our dear  Pha - "the department needs our help for its blood donation campaign"

"I thought it was the first year, why they need us now,Kit scowled. And moreover we will be having classes after that, shit!"

Ai'Beam let's hurry up, kit started rushing as we got the message.

Trying to catch his speed I said, "Kit what's the hurry, just a sec. We have an hour to be there"

Kit is always in hurry lately since Nong Ming started escorting him every morning. So to escape him kit make sure to get up early and leave, dragging me alongside him too. And for me I was fine with it as long as I don't get to see him. (Forth). So it was helping me too.

Even though kit and Ming had made it official, kit is still shy and stay away from Ming, might be because of Ming status as moon and his cute acts towards kit in front of all. That guy never fails to show his love for Kit.

We drove towards the department , only to see the blue jackets squandering around . These engineers always find a way to our department, I thought.

But today it was more than usual people at our sight. The blood donation campaign.

"Ai'Kit, Beam. Prink called us.
Our assignment, she pointed at those engineers"

They? Me and kit gave an anxious look as we blurt out that word.

She laughed, "we have to assist them in donating blood. Note down the information like their body mass, blood group, any history of disease etc and to look out for their refreshment",

after informing us she left to talk to some blue jacket people.

I was worried and kit too. "Why only engineer department students. Why don't we see others?" kit said as trying to find that one face. He was anxious, nervous if Ming would be there .

Nong' Ming will not leave any chance to be with him and with me I just wanted to avoid him (Forth)

I pulled Prink and asked her" Prink, why I only see those blue jackets, where are other departments students? "

" Beam, both our departments are free now. The other departments will be taken care by our juniors.

The principal doesn't want our classes to clash with the programme since it's our 4th semester but to make ourself involved in the campaign, Professor Pam called us here to utilize our free time productively.

And after that you can  go for your classes as schedule. Therefore it's us and them. "

" What a luck! Kit smiled "
That means Nong' Ming won't be here.

I didn't want to stay there. So I asked professor that I will help others at the van. My job will be just to keep the blood according to the groups and to inspect the cases before storing them.

" Professor Pam, I will be in the van, I said rather as a request to the Professor" .

"No Beam, you should be here. Let the science department do that work. What you will learn being in the enclosed space. Come here and help others", she said and pushed me back.

I sat there , trying to figure out  how to look calm and keep myself stable.

Everyone was facing towards the other side.

Kit said, "Looks like Pha's here"

Whenever you see everyone eyes
fixed at one it's definitely Pha. I raised my head but to my surprise it was Forth. I won't deny Forth is handsome, he could have definitely been the moon. He deserved it. He was like the alpha, strong and sturdy from outside. A man with a handsome face; devil and God at the same time but beside from his and boy charm and look he has a soft side towards him, a gentle, sweet, caring boy, a site only I had witness but now it's long gone.

He saw me. His eyes were cold, piercing through me. He walked towards me, his eyes fixed. Earlier it used to be full of love, a sight no one can escape but now I can only sense the coldness and hate in them.

My heart cried looking at the person but all I can do was sit with a calm demeanor.

He came and sat next to me, resting his head on the bed, he pulled out his hands towards me.

"I asked him his blood group, he laughed and I can feel the hatred in that"

"As if you don't know but oh!
I forgot, we are strangers now, he answered me, mocking me"

"So let me introduce myself. Forth, mechanical engineer, 2nd yr. Blood group 0+, no history of any disease, weight 75 kg"

I wrote down the information and held the needles close to his pulse.

The touch even after days still bring the same feeling as before.

He has trained my body that even a slight touch gives a different sensation, like a shock .

I tried to be professional and finally put that needles. The blood trailed down to the bottle.

And then I saw his knuckles. It  was bruised. When I  finally lift my eyes I saw his lips, it had cuts. There were bruises in his face. I can make out it was fresh, that means he had fought recently .

He saw me staring at him. He closed his eyes and before I leave, he called me.

"Beam, he pointed towards his bag. He took out a case holding the locket. It has our initials engraved on it, handing me he said,

I know we are not together anymore and even if we are not, he paused......... I don't have the heart to throw it away. Since you are good at throwing away people and things, I thought you should get rid of this locket too"

He threw the locket towards me. I just hold it and walked away from his sight.

I walked towards the washroom, locked myself in the toilet. I took out the locket and the tears that has escaped my eyes were rising up.

It was not that he has returned me the locket but those eyes that were holding hatred, I couldn't face them. Moreover he was hurt. I quickly gathered myself up and walked out.

Kit was out waiting for me. He can see through me.

Finally he said, "I saw everything. Beam... it's fine"  and then he hugged me, consoling me.

I started  crying out more, the tears that I had tried to swallow came flooding and he could only sigh!

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