Chapter 15

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Well we are close to the end of this story. Thank you everyone for cherishing it with me. I will treasure all the valuable comments and will look forward to seeing you guys. I hope Forth and Beam will have a happy ending and will gather support and love from all of us . love to the actors Tae and Tee who are playing the role, I wish success for them. 



I was praying, praying that I was not late. As I reached there, I saw Pha. Pha looked at me confused.

 Forth, you are here too ? Did Max invited you too ? He looked at me waiting for an answer.

I didn't have time to talk about all this, so I asked him directly. Where's Beam, Pha? Not getting the answer, I don't know what possessed me, I grabbed his shoulder and shook him hard, where's Beam? I shook him so hard till the tall guy just pointed his hand and said I saw him going towards that side.

I searched for Beam . It took me a while to find him. Calming myself, I took my steps towards him. As the distance started getting less, I called out his name, Beam! He looked at me astonished. Forth, he finally called out my name.

He was nervous. He started to move away from me. I held his hand. Beam, please stop. I begged him. Beam, please don't run away from me. I just want to talk to you and then I said what I have been wanting to say to him for long,  "I know I have hurt you and I know I don't deserve to stop you, I know I have many flaws but how bad I am at things,  I was sure that I was good at one and that was in loving you but even I failed in that . I know I shouldn't say these words to you but I can't bear to loose you. I can't live without you. All these days I have missed you, all these time I pretended that I don't need you but who I was fooling. I love you and even though how much I tried to deny, try to tell my heart that I have forgotten you but this heart is shrewd enough to tell me that I am lying. I know you are happy now and Max will give you all the love that you deserved but I love you. oh, i love you so much that without you I can't think of living a day, let alone my life. I am so selfish that i want you, only you. I am scared that someone else might take you away from me but no matter who you choose at the end, I will always love you and I will respect your decision.

I love you, as I said those last three  words , my voice was so low that it passes through my breath, inaudible. The tears that were welling up in my eyes  fall ".

Throughout this Beam was silent. I don't know what he was thinking, how he would take the words. Might be its the final goodbye or something that I was praying for. But it all didn't matter and whatever matter was I will respect his decision and will go with it. Only I wanted him to know that the words that I have spoken is from the deepest of my heart. Without him my life was incomplete. He completes me and I wanted him to know, no matter what he thinks about me but I have loved him and I will love him forever.

Hey, Beam finally said breaking me from my musings. You talk a lot, you know right, he smiled. Now can I say something. I just nod.

" Did you think I have stopped loving you ?Did you thought that I am happy without you ?  He looked at me trying to find the answer. Well he said,  I wish I was but I am not and you know how much I love you, right Forth and I was afraid that you!You  don't love me any more. I didn't have the courage to tell you how much i need you and missed you. I was lonely and scared because I was  wrong Forth. I was wrong about you and Prae and the guilt made me so weak that I was not able to face you. I felt sorry everyday. I have missed you so much but I was afraid that you don't love me anymore. I was afraid that I have lost you forever. You are the only one in my heart and I was afraid that I have lost it. I would have never been able to come after you and therefore, Thank You Forth, for coming back to my life."

 I love you .

As those words came out of his mouth, it filled the void that was inside my heart, making me alive again.  My eyes met Beams and all I can see was love. Both of us were in tears. I finally held him and in that embrace, the longing for each other, the love held us close not letting the other go. Our hearts were finally at peace. 

Finally Beam asked, Forth,  what's about Max? What were you saying. I just looked at him and smiled, It's  nothing Beam, it doesn't matter anymore. 

I held his face in my palm and kissed him lovingly, slow at first. I nibble his soft lips, feeling its touch after a long time. Slowly my tongue ravel inside, tasting him. As our tongue met, there was a sensation throughout my body. We kissed longingly not letting each other go.

Suddenly in that utopia, the sky shone bright with hundreds of light like a firework. Both of us looked at our surroundings, it was like thousands of stars had assembled in-front of our eyes. We heard a loud cry. It was the crazy med doctors, Lam, our Nong and Max. We looked at them dumbfounded, what this? I asked.

Max came forward. Damn Forth, you took so long. I thought you will come after Beam  as soon as I confessed that I had feelings for him. But you didn't and we had to play all this week. I looked at Lam, he looked at me and said, Don't ask me, all I did what Max asked me to do. I did it for my buddy and your welcome. Kit and Pha looked at me and said, thanks us later Forth. Beam was confused unaware of what was going and what we were talking about. I told him all that had happened, his face turned red and he chased after Max, beating him and then it was Pha and Kit turns. There were laughter and happiness surrounding us.

All of us sat together. I thank each one of them personally as without them I wouldn't have been with this guy sitting next to me. Beam thanked them too. Max then said I guess you should thank one more person. She will be here in a minute.

Forth, Beam she called us. We looked back, it was Prae. Swadee , she greeted us. She then said, Beam, Forth I am sorry. After everything Forth did, I felt sorry that I had left just like that without clearing anything. Later I came to know that you have broken up and I felt so sorry but before I can do anything  it was late.  As Max got transferred here in our university, I saw him with Beam once and came to know he is friend with Beam, Later I met Lam and when I asked him about Forth, he told me you were not doing any good and happened to be upset about seeing Beam with someone and that happened to be Max. Thus seeing the opportunity I asked Max to help me with you guys. Thanks to these guys too to making this happen, she pointed at our friends.

Beam looked at Max, how come I never knew you have a cousin and that to Prae. And how  didn't I sense anything ??

 Max laughed, it because you were love-sick. I knew from before about you and Forth. Prae had told me but I wanted to make sure about your feelings. So I had to play along and when I came to know about your true feelings, we finally set on the mission.

Beam lightly punched Max.

you owe me this, Max said looking at Beam.

The night was lovely and warm ,with everything falling back to its place.

Everyone left and now we were alone. I held Beam tight, finally it was two of us . I have missed this boy so much that having him here was like a dream.

Hey, what are you thinking? Beam asked. I looked at him and asked, This isn't a dream right? Beam laughed at me, No it's not.

 How can I know it's not, I pinched his cheeks. Beam came closed to me and his lips sealed mine. Breaking it he said this is how. I smiled and kissed him back with all the love that I had for him.

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