Chapter 14

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After much thought I dialed Pha's number. 'Hello' Pha picked the call. I could hear Nong' Yo's laugh from behind. Hope I didn't disturb them.

Hey Pha, are you free to talk? I asked him. Yes Forth, what happened?

After collecting my thought I asked Pha, How close are Beam and Max? Pha was silent for a while and then he said, well why are you asking me this question? I just want to know Pha, please, I said almost begging him.

He said, If Beam had anyone before us then it was Max. They have been good friends since they were born. I remember still that Max was very protective of Beam and would always get him stationary either from his own or from other source, our  KitKat. They were very close. Close enough to see through each other.

Fuck! I didn't ask him to know the history. Just one line was enough.

Tell me why exactly  are you asking me this ? Pha asked me again. Nothing, I stammer for a while and then I finally said those words that were haunting me. I guess Max like Beam. As I said those words, Pha started laughing but then he stop and went silent, only to answer me saying, How did I know?

How did I know!!! Fuck, so it is indeed true and this guy knew all along. But still I asked him, So is it true?

Well Pha said, 'I don't know but lately I am getting the feeling that Max does like Beam'.

I couldn't hear more but still I forced myself to ask, So how about Beam?

Forth, I don't know but since you guys separated Beam was not in a very good state. He used to be always low. No wonder how many liters of tears he must have shed, Pha laughed out. Then again he said, I really don't know but it was only Max who have made him smile after a long time.

What!! My hands and feet went cold. The thought of Beam with someone else just tormented me. I hung up.

I went to the pub and drank till my  body couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't recall what happened but I can feel someone strong hands holding me, is it Nong 'Ming. He was calling me, P' let's go. Let's get you home and then the voice fade and when I woke up I was at someone else place.

Ming came, Good Morning P'. He gave me coffee. You can have some Chicken noodle soup after this, Kit said. I look at both of them and realized how much wasted I must have been last night.

What's with you? Drinking so much lately that you can't even hold yourself, kit looked at me while saying those words.

Ming was in a hurry, Bye P' I have to go somewhere and it's urgent. He looked at Kit and before leaving gave him a peck making the other guy blush. Kit shyly looked at me, I just hold the coffee avoiding those two.

Looking at those two it only made me miss Beam terribly. I miss Beam, I missed him a lot .

After my throbbing head was at calm.  I asked kit just to confirm the day, What day is today Kit? Kit casually answered Friday. So many things were happening in a day that as if I was living an entire month in few hours. Though I was happy with it and wanted the hours to go on like years so that the weekend won't come fast. As I was going through my thoughts Kit asked me, What's up with you? I looked at him and without thinking much I said, Kit, I love Beam.

His eyes were looking right through me and slowly a smile plastered over his face, but his fist knocked my head. And then he said, I know you do but what's the point telling me, I guess you should be saying this to Beam not me, stupid.

I closed my eyes and finally said  but kit, I don't think Beam has  feelings for me anymore. Infact he despise me. I continued, he also said that he regretted being with me, it was all a mistake. As I said those words, it crushed me. Kit, I said again, so tell me how should I tell him that I love him when he is not. I don't want to burdened him again. But I can't bear to see him with anyone else too. I know I am being selfish but I love him and I know I do but....

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