Chapter 1

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Negan pulls up to the gates of Alexandria. It had been two weeks since his last pick up. Which he figured was plenty enough time for Rick to have found him some good shit. He steps out of the truck, whistling as he swings Lucille.

"Well don't just stand there, open the fuck up!" He shouts at the man behind the gate.

Eugene opens the gate nervously.

Negan steps inside, taking a quick scan. He looks up, and his eyes hover over a girl standing guard on the platform near the gate. Negan smiles as he looks her over. She's about 5ft 3, brunette, with a really nice ass. He bites on his bottom lip.

"Hey!" He shouts up.

She looks down at him and frowns. This is her first encounter with Negan. She'd purposely stayed out of his way the last time he'd come. Now, she silently wished she had chosen to guard the gate last night.

"Hi!" Negan says, smiling up at her.

She nods, then continues looking out at the road.

Negan frowns. "What's the matter? Cat got your fucking tongue or some shit?"

She glances at him briefly, giving him daggers.

"Well that was rude," Dave says. "You should teach her a lesson."

"Mind your business, Dave," Negan warns.

"Sorry boss," he says instantly.

Negan sees Rick in the distance walking towards him. Negan steps further inside as Eugene closes the gate.

"Hey," Negan says, stepping towards Rick. "What the fuck is her problem? I try to be all polite and shit, and she gives me the damn silent treatment," Negan asks.

Rick stares at him. "She's mute," he says.

Negan's face drops. "You're fucking kidding me right?"

Rick just stares at him, tilting his head slightly.

Negan runs his hand over his face. "Shit. I'm such a fucking asshole. Go on, Rick, you might as well admit it, i just know you think so too," Negan smiles.

Rick turns away briefly. "Can we just get this over with?" He mumbles.

Negan grins. "Sure, Rick."

The saviors load up Alexandria's offerings. Negan stands with Rick by the gate.

"Well, prick, i guess i'll see you in another week," Negan smiles.

Rick frowns. "I thought you said two weeks?"

"Yeah, but you didn't exactly have much to fucking offer. So i'll be back in one week, and you better have something good for me," Negan warns him.

Negan looks up at the platform, then he climbs up.

She turns to him briefly before looking back at the road.

"I wanna apologize for earlier," Negan says. "If i'd known you were mute, i wouldn't have said what i did. I'm kind of an asshole sometimes, you'll get used to it," he chuckles.

She stares at him, then shrugs her shoulders.

"Any fucking hoo, i guess i'll see you in a week," he smiles, then heads back down the platform.

Asshole! She thinks.

Negan heads to his truck. "John, come here," he says, motioning with his hand. "Keep someone posted near here," Negan whispers.

"Sure thing, Negan, any particular reason?" John asks.

"I want them to keep an eye on that girl there on lookout. Don't fucking look, Jesus, discreet isn't your middle fucking name is it," Negan frowns.

"Sorry, Negan," John says.

"If she leaves Alexandria, get straight on the radio to me," Negan orders.

John nods, then walks off.

She watches the saviors drive away. She wishes she could have told Negan to go fuck himself. Her heart pounds with pure frustration.

"You okay?" Rick shouts up.

She looks down at him and nods.

Rick makes his way up to her. "Did he upset you?" Rick asks, placing a hand against her shoulder.

She shakes her head.

"I'm sorry. The guy's an asshole, clearly. We won't be under his rule forever," Rick assures her.

She gives him a doubtful look.

"I mean it, we just need to get everyone on board. We need more people. Right now, we have nowhere near enough to go up against him," Rick reasons.

She shrugs, turning away from him.

"You've been up here long enough. You want me to take over?" Rick offers.

She shakes her head, and points towards Rosita's house. She holds up five fingers. Signalling that Rosita will take over in five minutes.

Rick nods. "Okay, i'll see you later," he says, before heading back down the platform.

Rosita takes over her shift, and she heads back to her house.

"Hey!" Daryl shouts from his porch.

She turns, waving at him. She makes her way over, sitting beside him on the porch swing.

"Rick said Negan spoke with ya," Daryl says.

She nods.

"What'd he say?" Daryl asks, frowning.

She grabs her pad and paper from her jacket pocket. Just shit mostly. Nothing of importance. She writes.

Daryl offers her a cigarette. She accepts it gratefully. They sit there a while, in silence.

Daryl likes her. He gets along with her, more than anyone else. Being a quiet person himself, he has an affinity with her. Strangely though, he talks to her more than anyone else, which she doesn't seem to mind.

She stands up, and gives Daryl a little wave, heading to her house, just across the street.

"Seeya," Daryl nods, watching her leave.

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