Chapter 8

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"Ain't nothin here but the dead," Daryl says, holding his crossbow. "Shoulda gone huntin instead."

No one forced you to come, Kirsty writes.

Daryl huffs lightly as they walk along the road of yet another derelict town. "Do ya some good ta spend time with your own people."

Kirsty turns to him, raising an eyebrow. What's that supposed to mean? She mouths.

Daryl shakes his head. "Nothin."

A walker rambles it's way out of a run down pharmacy. Kirsty makes her way towards it, stabbing it through the head with her knife. She motions with her head for them to go inside.

"I'll go first," Daryl says, readying his crossbow.

The smell of rot and decay doesn't faze them, long since accustomed to it. There are no dead inside, but also not much in the way of supplies either. Kirsty kneels down, checking underneath the counter. She grabs two fallen bottles of painkillers and a sachet of what looks like some kind of constipation relief medicine.

"Score," Daryl says sarcastically.

Better than nothing, she mouths. Here, you always look a little constipated, she teases, handing him the sachet.

"Ha ha, ya should be a comedian," Daryl says before heading off to check the rest of the pharmacy. He checks under the shelves, finding a pack of condoms, some vitamins, and a couple of protein bars.

Kirsty makes her way over to him with a few more bottles of painkillers in her arms. She smiles at Daryl holding the condoms and protein bars. You look like a man with a plan, she mouths.

"Shut up," Daryl says, dropping his head in hopes his hair will cover the fact that he's blushing.

They head outside, Daryl taking out two of the dead with his crossbow. "Don't look like there's much worth takin. Should head back."

Kirsty shakes her head. Let's keep on. At least check the rest of this town out, she writes.

They go from building to building, not finding much in the way of supplies. Kirsty almost admits defeat until they find a warehouse on the edge of the town. The doors are chained and the familiar sound of the dead comes from within.

See, told you we should check out the rest of this town, she writes.

Daryl looks the warehouse over cautiously. "I don't know. Sounds like there's a few of em in there. Might not even be worth it, could be empty?"

You scared? She mouths with a smile.

"No, but it'd be stupid ta risk our lives for what could be nothin," he says.

Why don't we just cut the chains, make some noise, then hide out for a bit? Dead might not even see us? Kirsty writes.

Daryl huffs. "Alright, but if they see us, get ready ta haul ass back ta the truck."

He takes out his bolt cutters and removes the chain. The pair of them bang against the doors, making as much noise as they can, then they run off, keeping within sight of the doors.

The dead make their way out of the warehouse, going off in different directions. Luckily for Daryl and Kirsty, they don't head their way. They wait a good twenty minutes before heading back to the doors.

"I don't like this. I can still hear em in there," Daryl frowns as he looks at Kirsty, hoping she'll agree with him.

She shrugs as she goes to head inside.

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