Chapter 13

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"It didn't hit any of her major organs, and we've managed to stop the bleeding," Carson says as he tosses his bloodsoaked gloves in the trash. "Kirsty's lost a lot of blood though, she's gonna need more."

Negan holds out his arm, his face pale.

"If we take anymore from you your-,"

"I don't have the energy to fucking argue with you, just fucking do it," Negan frowns, sweat pooling at his temples.

Dr. Carson nods as he grabs a belt from his desk, wrapping it around the top of Negan's arm.

Negan winces as he sticks him with another needle. He looks down at Dr. Carson. "Is she gonna be alright?"

Carson looks up at him cautiously. "It's really too early to tell. Like i said, it missed her major organs," he shakes his head. "But she's lost a hell of a lot of blood. There's a risk of her major organs shutting down. We're doing everything we can."

"Well make sure you fucking do," Negan barely whispers as his head lolls backwards. "Or you're fucking fired," he chuckles.

"Drink that," Carson points towards a glass of orange juice.

Negan stretches out his arm and grabs the glass, juice dripping down his neck and onto his shirt as he struggles to swallow. Negan wipes at his mouth with his arm, placing the glass back down. "Did you know that Hilltop were gonna attack?"

Carson stares at him and shakes his head. "No, but then it's been weeks since i was there."

"They're gonna pay for that. Fuck yeah they're gonna pay," he smiles, struggling to keep his eyes open. "You'll be alright though, doctors are important."

"Didn't work out so well for my brother," Carson says.

Negan stares at him with a smirk. "Did you just back talk me?"

Carson clears his throat. "Sorry."

Negan chuckles. "Don't be. I don't mind a little back talk, as long as the occasion calls for it," Negan smiles. He looks Carson in the eye. "I'll be honest, i did go a little OTT with your brother."

"You threw him into a furnace," Carson frowns.

"Like i said, OTT. I let my emotions get the better of me. I wanted to prove a point, that no matter how fucking indispensable you think you are, you're really fucking not," Negan says. "Like Rick the prick. Asshole's gotten way too big for his boots. If Daryl hadn't shown up i might have believed Rick knew nothing about the attack. But there he was, fucking staring at me like it was my fault. Like i was the one that fucking shot her. If she doesn't fucking make it, it's on them, and i'm not gonna be able to control what happens after that. My.. emotions might get the better of me," he smiles.


Negan stumbles towards Kirsty, his eyes watering as the beeps of the heart monitor take him back to a time he'd rather forget. He slumps down on the chair beside her bed, his eyes heavy. "Hey, sweetheart," Negan smiles weakly as he takes her hand. "You got so much of my blood in you we're practically fucking related," he jokes. "That sounds fucking gross actually, forget i fucking said that," he shakes his head with a grimace.

"Negan," Simon pops his head round the door.

"What is it, Simon?" He asks without turning.

"We got all our men in place, need you to give the order."

Negan shakes his head. "We're not doing it like that."

"But they-," Simon starts.

Negan slams his fist down on the bedside cabinet. "No!" He turns to Simon, his eyes dark. Even in his weak state, his authority still makes Simon take a step back. "I'm not gonna do anything rash. People, are a resource. We'll do what we need to do to keep them in line, but i'm not cutting of my damn nose to spite my fucking face."

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