Chapter 11

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"Oh, fuck! That's it, baby," Negan groans, his breath heavy.

"Negan," Frankie moans beneath him.

Negan loses his rhythm as he glances down at her. He covers her mouth with his hand and picks up the pace again.  Burying his head in the crook of her neck he thrusts into her relentlessly, her breath hot against his hand. His eyes closed, he pictures Kirsty. "Fuck!" He growls as he shoots his load inside her. Before he gets the chance to catch his breath he rolls off Frankie, laying on his back.

"I don't like it when you do that," Frankie says.

Negan turns to her, his chest rising and falling heavily. "Do what?"

"Cover my mouth like that. You never used to do that, i thought you liked your women loud?"

"Times change, sweetheart. Either get with the fucking programme or get the fuck outta my bed," Negan says.

Frankie huffs as she gets up and goes to the bathroom.

"Don't be in there all fucking day, i've got shit to do!" He shouts after her.


Negan stares at Arat, his eyes focusing on her mouth. "Did you just tell me to go fuck myself?"

Arat laughs as she leans back against her chair. "Very good," she smiles. "I don't think you need my help anymore."

"I know, but it doesn't hurt to practice, and i've been rewarding you greatly, have i not?" He smiles.

"Yes, you have. But you're learning quicker than i did," Arat says.

"I just don't want her to say something and i just fucking stand there like an idiot not having a clue what she's said. If she takes that fucking pen out around me then i'll feel like i've fucking failed," he says.

"You really like her, don't you?" Arat smiles.

"Well yeah, it's not ever day a guy goes out his way to learn to read lips. But it's not just about that. She's a fucking badass, and i want her on my fucking team. And.. it's the decent fucking thing to do. I can't believe Rick's never learned to do it, fucking asshole," Negan frowns.

"She'd make a great savior," Arat says.

Negan smiles. "She would wouldn't she."

"You're forgetting one thing though."

"What's that?" Negan asks.

"She's already team Rick. Do you really think she'd go against her own?"

Negan lets out a tsk as he chews on his lip. "I guess we'll have to wait and fucking see."


Kirsty walks quietly through the woods attempting to follow a trail, but her mind is elsewhere. It had been four days since she'd last seen Negan, yet she couldn't stop thinking about it. His hands all over her, his eyes burning into hers.

Daryl watches her from afar as she wanders off the trail he left for her. He frowns, stepping out in front of her.

Kirsty jumps a mile. Jesus, Daryl! You scared the shit outta me! She places a hand against her chest.

"Trail ended over there," he points.

Kirsty turns around looking down at the ground. She takes out her pen. I told you i was no good at this.

"Wouldn't say that, ya were doin well. Ya got somethin on your mind?"

Haven't we all? She mouths.

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