Chapter 6

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Kirsty steps out of the shower. It had been two days since her run with Negan, and she had no idea what time he'd turn up. Probably when she least expected it. Wrapping a towel round herself, she heads towards her bedroom. Kirsty walks over to her dressing table and picks up the perfume that Negan had left in the box. She places it back down on the table, reluctant to use it. She gets dressed, twisting her damp hair into a makeshift bun. It's just perfume. It's not like you've agreed to marry him, she thinks as the bottle catches her eye. Kirsty grabs the bottle and sprays a tiny amount onto her neck, then heads downstairs.

"Hey there, beautiful," Negan smiles.

Kirsty stands still at the bottom of the stairs. Negan leans against the front door, Lucille resting on his shoulder. She goes to grab her notepad.

"There's no need for that," Negan waves his hand. "I don't know if you've noticed, but i'm quite good at reading your lips," he smiles.

Kirsty shifts uncomfortably. She has noticed, and if it had been anyone else, she'd be impressed. What do you want? She mouths.

"I said i'd give you two days, and i did," he looks her up and down. "Have you just got outta the shower?" Negan smirks.

Kirsty rolls her eyes and heads to the kitchen, avoiding his gaze. Negan follows her, leaning against the kitchen archway. She pours herself a coffee and gestures the pot towards him.

"Sure, i'll have a quick one. You remember how i take it?"

Kirsty nods and pours his coffee. She sits next to the counter, moving her stool as Negan sits beside her.

"Come on, sweetheart. No need to be like that. I thought we were making progress?" He smiles.

She looks at him coldly. The only time we'll progress is when i get to stick a knife through your skull.

Negan laughs, his nose crinkling. "Oh, fuck! I've missed this. You've missed me too, right?"

Kirsty frowns and goes back to sipping her coffee. We going on a run? She asks.

"No, i wanted to do something, just the two of us. Got this new place a few miles from the sanctuary. It'll make a great base. My men cleared it out a few days ago, we need to make sure it stays that fucking way."

So we're doing what? She asks, puzzled.

"Take the car out there and keep watch," he smiles.

Awesome, that sounds fun, she mouths with a sneer.

"I detect sarcasm. But you're fucking right, it's about as fun as a fucking enema. That's why i want you with me, keep me company. We can get to know one another better," Negan smiles.

I don't want to get to know you better.

"Alright, well i can get to know you better," Negan says.

I don't want you to know me better.

"Why? You worried what i might find out about you?" He teases.

Kirsty looks away from him, sipping her coffee.

Negan chuckles and downs his drink in one. "You good to go?"

Kirsty nods.


"You see that big factory building there," Negan points as he drives down the road. "That's the sanctuary. You should come by some time," he smiles.

I'll pass, Kirsty mouths.

"See, i knew you'd say that. It's like we're fucking connected or some shit. Definitely on the same wavelength. I bet you're rolling your eyes right now," Negan smiles.

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