Chapter 15

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Kirsty sits outside, warm air blowing against her skin. It felt good to be out, having been stuck in a bed for the last three weeks. It's nice here, she smiles.

Negan grins. "You starting to like it here?"

Fuck no, i just meant this little flower garden you've got going on.

"Why? What's wrong with the Sanctuary?" He frowns.

It's not exactly homely, i mean, it's a factory.

"It may not look nice, but at least it's safe," he points out.

Is this Jasmine? She asks as she reaches out, feeling the petals between her finger and thumb.

"Fuck knows," Negan shrugs his shoulders.

Kirsty turns to him. Why do you even have a flower garden?

"You can use them for alternative medicines, we got herbs and shit over there," he points.

Do they work?

"I'd normally be the first to sneer at this kinda shit, but i've seen this stuff work when we've had nothing else, so yeah, it works," he nods. "I'll tell you what's fucking awesome, apple cider vinegar. That shit is like fucking magic. We make that stuff like it's going out of fucking fashion."

Kirsty shifts a little uncomfortably on the bench.

"Hey, are you hurting? You wanna go back inside?" Negan worries.

She shakes her head. Not yet.

"But if you're hurting we-," Kirsty places her hand on his arm.

I'm fine, let me have another five minutes, it's nice out here.

Negan nods with a smile. "Sure."


Daryl watches from a distance, his stomach suddenly wanting to empty it's contents as she places her hand on Negan's arm. He almost grimaces as Negan takes his hand and places it on hers. "Get the hell off her, douchebag," he whispers.

Though Rick had gone on at him every half hour and made him swear he wouldn't go to the sanctuary, he'd gotten fed up of waiting. His heart hurt every moment she wasn't with him, and he wanted to be rid of the constant ache in his stomach. So he'd come, not entirely sure how he was going to see her, but then there she was, sitting outside. A wave of relief had hit him so hard that tears had filled his eyes. Seeing her, knowing for sure that she was safe meant everything to him.

He tries to justify Negan's hand on hers, maybe she's grateful because he's kept her safe? Maybe she's just playing the part till he can rescue her? Daryl wonders if she's in good enough shape to go back to Alexandria? He'd brought the truck purposely with that intention, but it was parked a couple of miles away. I'll carry her, i'd carry her a hundred miles if i had to, he thinks.

He watches as one of Negan's men comes out to him. Negan stands up, rubbing at his temples. He turns to Kirsty as she gestures with her hand, maybe for him to go? Daryl hopes he does. Negan turns and heads inside, Daryl's heart pounding against his chest as he knows this is his chance to speak to her.


Kirsty smiles as she sniffs at what she can now confirm is Jasmine. Negan had been insistent that he take her back inside, but she'd insisted more and he'd caved, saying he'd be back in five.


She frowns, turning her head. Her eyes widen as she sees Daryl on the other side of the fence. Daryl? She mouths, getting up slowly from the bench with a wince. Kirsty walks over, leaning forward against the fence, her fingers curling against the chainlink for purchase.

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