Chapter 20

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Daryl strokes Kirsty's hair as she rests her head against his chest, wishing they could lie that way forever.

Negan had gone out, so she'd slipped out of the Sanctuary the first chance she'd got, hoping she wasn't too late. But there he'd been, waiting patiently for her, a shy smile on his face.


She looks up at him, brushing his hair from his face.

"Are..," he glances away, unsure whether he wants to ask what he's about to.

She places her hand against Daryl's cheek, turning him to face her. What is it?

"Are you an Negan still," he swallows deeply. "Doin stuff?"

Kirsty leans up on her elbows. She shakes her head, reaching for her notepad. No, but.. i can only say i've got a headache so many times till he realises something's wrong. He's not stupid, and it's not fair either.

Daryl reads it with a frown. "So come back with me."

What if something bad happens?

"Like what?"

What if he attacks Alexandria? Or Hilltop?

"That ain't on you," Daryl shakes his head. "Ya can't hold the weight of everythin on ya shoulders."

Kirsty scribbles on her notepad. I know, Daryl. But i feel shitty. Whatever you think of him, he cares for me at the very least. I would've died if it weren't for Negan.

Daryl clenches his jaw as he strokes her cheek. "I know, i just want ya back with us. Can't stand ya bein there, makes me sick."


They stand outside the barn, Daryl reluctant to let her go. He wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her goodbye, unaware that they're being watched.


Daryl watches her walk off, his heart heavy. He sits down, leaning against the barn door as he lights a cigarette. Daryl contemplates running away with her, just the two of them, start afresh.

"The hell are you doing?"

Daryl jumps up off the floor, flicking away his cigarette with a frown. "You followin me now?"

"No, i was following Kirsty, and it's a good thing Negan sent me out and not one of his other men. What the hell do you think you're doing, Daryl?" Dwight asks in disbelief.

"Ain't none a your business," Daryl says.

"I don't think you realise how luck you were just now. If it was anyone else they'd be running straight to Negan, and you'd be dead. You know him and Kirsty and together now, right?"

"How longs he had people followin her?" Daryl frowns.

"Since the first time she went out, after she recovered. He stopped for a while, but he asked me yesterday to keep an eye on her, which means he's probably suspicious, turns out he's a right to be," Dwight says.

"Kirsty don't wanna be there no more, she's just waitin for the right time ta leave, an she said he wouldn't stop her."

"And when's that gonna be?" Dwight asks. "He has people following her, Daryl. Why do you think he's doing that? You really think he'd be doing that if he was just gonna let her roll on right back to Alexandria?"

"Ain't his choice," Daryl shrugs.

Dwight steps closer to him. "When Negan wants something, he'll do whatever it takes to get it, believe me. Kirsty is his, and he won't let her go without a fight. He finds out about this and he'll never let her leave, and he won't stop until you're dead."

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