Chapter 22

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Daryl leans up on his elbows, the world a blur as his eyes struggle to focus. "Kir-," he holds his neck, wincing as pain rockets through his throat like razor blades. He gets up, looking around frantically, panic setting in as he realises she isn't there. "Kirs-," he grabs at his throat once again, a series of nasty racking coughs taking him over. He leans against a tree, trying to get himself under control.

He spins round, drawing his knife at the sound of a branch snapping.

"Jesus!" Dwight says, his eyes widening. "You look like shit."

"Where-," Daryl coughs, his eyes watering.

"Is she?" Dwight hazards a guess. Daryl stares at him coldly, his eyes demanding an answer. "He's taken her back."

Daryl clenches his jaw and turns, walking in the direction of the Sanctuary.

"Woah!" Dwight frowns, tugging on Daryl's arm. "What do you think you're doing?

"I..," he coughs again. "Gotta.. get her," Daryl rasps.

"You got a death wish or something? You won't get within a mile of the Sanctuary without one of Negan's men taking you out. Listen to me, Daryl-"

But Daryl has no interest in listening. He needs to save her, take her as far away from Negan as he can. Daryl shakes off Dwight's hand, but Dwight grabs him firmly once again.

"Hey! Listen to me!" Daryl stops a moment, staring at Dwight. "I was right there watching, i saw what went down, and you're damn lucky he didn't kill you. She made a deal with him."

Daryl's eyes widen. "A deal?" He croaks, coughing into the back of his hand.

"Negan told her if she went back to the Sanctuary with him, then he'd let you live."

Daryl shakes his head. "Naw, she-," he coughs.

"She what? Wouldn't accept an offer like that to save your life?" Daryl steps forward again, but Dwight places a hand on his chest. "Daryl, going there right now is gonna get you killed. You think that's what she wants?"

Daryl stares at him, shaking his hand away as he blinks back tears.

"The best thing you can do, is go see Rick. Right now, that's your best shot. Negan won't hurt her, i know that much. You need to come up with a plan to take Negan down, once and for all."

Daryl knows he's right, but admitting it, even to himself, is hard.

"I need to get back to the Sanctuary. I'll make sure she's alright, Daryl. But you, you need to get back to Alexandria. If Rick isn't ready to make a move, then i'll help you get her out myself, i swear."

Daryl looks at him distrustfully, he nods reluctantly.


Negan thunders through the double doors of his parlour, Lucille in one hand, Kirsty's arm in the other. His wives look up briefly, quickly dropping their heads as they see the blood drying over his face. He continues on to his room, not giving his wives so much as a glance.

Negan lets go of her arm, placing Lucille down on the coffee table. He turns to the doors, slamming them shut before he stands in front of Kirsty. She gazes at the floor, her shoulders jittering every few seconds as she attempts to stifle her tears. It only serves to anger him more. To see her crying over that asshole, when she's his. Negan grinds his teeth, taking a step towards her.

Kirsty still looks down at her feet, but she can feel his eyes on her, her heart pounding against her chest.

"Look at me," he says, his voice low and gravelly.

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