Chapter 10

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Kirsty looks over at Negan as they drive down the road. She places a hand on his arm. Stop the truck, she mouths as he turns to her.

Negan pulls over to the side of the road switching off the engine. "You alright?" Kirsty silences him with a kiss, Negan's eyes widening in surprise. Their lips linger a few moments, a shiver runs down his spine as her fingers brush his neck. He looks deep in her eyes before his lips collide with hers, not wanting to give her time to regret it, his hand running through her hair.

Kirsty wraps her arms around his neck as she sits astride him. She fumbles with the zip on his jacket, running kisses over his neck as he groans beneath her. His fingers grasp her waist as he lays her down on the front seat, taking off his jacket and tossing it on the floor. She'd moan if she could, but all she lets out is a series of hot breaths as he traces kisses over her collarbone.

Negan pulls her vest over her head, he trails kisses over her stomach as he unclasps her bra, clawing at her waist as she writhes beneath him. Kirsty tugs at his shirt as he unbuttons her jeans, she shuffles them off and unbuckles his belt eagerly, her breath heavy. He tucks his fingers inside her panties pulling them off impatiently. Negan groans at the sight of her as she lies in front of him with her legs spread.

Kirsty stretches out an arm tugging at the waistband of his pants and pulling him onto her. She throws her head back taking in a sharp breath as he slides inside her, her fingers clawing at his shoulders as he lets out a deep groan. Kirsty rolls her hips beneath him needily, her foot pushing against the steering wheel for purchase.

"Fuck!" Negan groans as she grinds against him. He slowly moves his hips, wanting more than anything to fuck the shit out of her, but not certain that he'll last. Negan looks down at her as he builds a slow rhythm. In all his years of having sex he'd never experienced anything like this before. With other women it was as simple as, if the neighbours can hear her then you're doing it right. Negan can do no such thing with Kirsty so he takes it slow, her hot breaths against his skin sending shivers all the way to his throbbing cock. He caresses her neck, groaning as she lifts her hips up to meet his.

Kirsty bites on his bottom lip, her hands running through the back of his hair as he slowly thrusts into her, his hips rolling against hers creating a beautiful friction. She mouths his name against his lips, her thighs tightening against his waist. Her body breaks out in gooseflesh as he ghosts his lips along her collarbone, nipping and sucking on her sensitive skin.

"Oh, Kirsty," Negan groans against her ear as he grabs her thigh, resting her leg over his shoulder as he thrusts into her. He can't take his eyes off her. Her silence only makes her more endearing as Negan is mesmerised by every breath or movement she makes.

Negan, she mouths once again, and Christ he wishes he could hear her. His lips brush against hers as he builds up a steady rhythm. She runs her hand through his hair, her eyes burning deep into his. Fuck me! She mouths, her eyes pleading with him.

"Oh fuck yeah!" Negan growls as he snaps his hips against her hard. He tucks his arm under her shoulder, grasping at it as he thrusts into her relentlessly. "Fuck! You're so wet, baby," he groans, his cock twitching inside her as he struggles to hold back.

Her breaths are erratic as she scratches at his back. She bites his shoulder as she stifles what would be a moan if she were able, her legs beginning to shake as she feels herself getting close.

Negan quickens his pace as he feels her trembling beneath him, his fingers no doubt leaving marks on her thigh as he claws at her. He makes enough noise for the both of them, grunting and groaning with almost every thrust.

Oh god, Negan, Kirsty throws her head back as she orgasms, her toes curling as waves of pleasure course through her entire body.

Negan groans as she pulsates around him. He looks down at Kirsty, her mouth wide open as she lets out an almost audible aah sending him over the edge as his cock spasms inside her. He groans into the crook of her neck as he loses his rhythm, coming inside her with a few haphazard thrusts.

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