Chapter 2

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The sun shines in through the curtains waking her. She stretches, letting out a silent yawn. Shuffling off the bed, she dresses in dark skinny jeans, a black vest, and brown boots. She tucks her knife into her belt. Rummaging through her rucksack, she finds her handgun, and attaches a silencer. She throws on her leather jacket, and grabs her rucksack.

She leaves Alexandria with no real purpose, other than to get some space. It's something that she does often. Sometimes she'll just wander through the woods, practicing her hunting skills. Other times, she'll wander through small towns, scouring empty buildings, hoping to find something to take back. More often than not, she comes back with something. Last time, it was the very silencer that she has on her gun at this moment in time.

She opts for wandering through the woods, hoping to hone her tracking skills. Daryl had taught her as much as he could. But as he'd explained to her, it was not something you learned overnight. Quite often, you either had it in you, or you didn't. She wasn't so sure she had it in her, but either way, she had at least gotten lucky on occasion, randomly coming across animals from time to time.

She'd been out for about two hours, when she heard a rustling coming from her left. She draws her gun, hoping it's a deer and not a walker. Whatever it is, it sounds big. She places her finger on the trigger ready to shoot, when something red catches her eye.

"Woah there, sweetheart, i come in fucking peace," Negan chuckles, holding his arms up.

She slowly lowers her gun, a look of disgust on her face.

"I can see i didn't make a very good first impression with you," Negan says, raising an eyebrow.

She shrugs, indicating she doesn't give a shit, wishing silently that she had the ability to say it. She begins to wander off.

"What, are you just gonna love me and fucking leave me?" He chuckles.

She turns her face to him, and holds her finger to her mouth, shushing him.

"You hunting?" He asks.

She nods.

"Well great, i'll keep you company," Negan smiles.

She rolls her eyes and nods her head, placing her finger over her mouth again, reminding him to be quiet.

Surprisingly, Negan manages to stay silent, mostly because he's looking at her ass. But also, because he's intrigued to see if she'll actually catch anything.

Sure enough, after thirty minutes of walking in silence. Which was pure torture for Negan. They see a deer in the distance. She signals for him to remain quiet, and still. She aims her gun, and pulls the trigger. The bullet goes through the deer's head, and it falls to the ground.

"Fuck yeah!" Negan smiles.

She makes her way over to it, kneeling beside it.

"Hey, you don't have to do that," Negan says, kneeling beside her. "I'll carry it for you," he offers.

She shakes her head.

"Come on, you can't carry this back on your own," he frowns.

She takes her pad out of her pocket. I don't need your help. She writes.

Negan stares at her. "You're probably fucking right, sweetheart. I bet you could carry this back on your own. But i'm offering. At least let me carry it most of the way," he suggests.

She stands still for a moment, then nods.

Negan smiles, then picks the deer up, carrying it over his shoulders.

"So what's your name?" He asks.

She glances at him briefly.

"Look, i can't help it. I'm a fucking talker, what can i say?" He laughs.

She takes out her pad. Kirsty. She writes.

"Kirsty," he says, "how long have you been with Rick's group?"

She holds up six fingers.

"Six months?" He asks.

She makes a seesaw gesture with her hand.

They hear a rustling in the distance. Kirsty holds up her hand, and removes the knife from her belt. Two walkers make their way through the trees ahead. She makes her way to them, pushing the first one over, and taking out the second with a knife to the head. Kirsty slides her knife through the first one's temple, before it has a chance to get to it's feet.

Negan watches her, grinning from ear to ear, his eyes alight. As she gets back up, he notices a scar across her neck. He wonders how he didn't notice it before. It's about five inches long, running from left to right. He guesses he must have been too busy checking out her ass.

She motions with her head for them to continue walking.

"That was pretty fucking cool," Negan smiles. "So were you born mute?" He asks, wondering about that scar on her neck.

Kirsty shakes her head.

"So what happened? How'd you lose your voice?" He asks.

She shakes her head, looking down at the ground.

Negan nods. "Okay, we don't have to talk about it," he says sincerely.

She looks at him briefly.

"I'd fucking hate not being able to talk. It's one of my favourite fucking things, aside from women," he smiles.

Kirsty begins to write, Negan watches her intently. She holds the pad towards him. The worst thing about being mute, is having to listen to people's shit, and not being able to tell them to shut the fuck up!

Negan laughs. "That's pretty fucking funny."

She writes. I wasn't joking. Being mute does have it's uses though.

"Really?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

Yes. People automatically assume i'm dumb, so they kind of forget i'm there. Loose lips and all that. She writes.

Negan frowns briefly when he reads the first line. But then he smiles. "I can imagine you're right, sweetheart. People are all kinds of stupid. Using it to your advantage though, that's fucking smart. I'm curious though. How come you're not playing dumb with me?" He asks.

Because i didn't think you were all kinds of stupid. Or am i wrong? She writes.

"Nope, you're spot on, sweetheart. I never underestimate anyone. That shit gets you fucking killed," Negan says.

Kirsty stops, and motions with her hands for the deer.

"You sure you can carry this? We're still twenty minutes away from Alexandria, at least," Negan asks.

Kirsty nods. Negan kneels, rolling the deer off his shoulders. She places it on her own shoulders.

"Well it was nice talking to you, sweetheart," Negan smiles.

Kirsty frowns.

"You know what i fucking mean," He laughs.

Kirsty nods, then turns, heading for Alexandria.

Negan watches her leave. "Fuck, i gotta find a way to get into those fucking panties," he says to himself.

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