Chapter 19

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Kirsty walks the three miles, not entirely sure she's heading in the right direction. Going on impulse, she hadnt thought to take a compass, so she was relying purely on guesswork.

After an hour of walking, she stops, wiping at her brow. Shit! I should be there by now! She frowns. Kirsty looks around her nervously, the woods seeming much more sinister as the sun begins to fade. She walks a few more steps, debating whether she should head back when something catches her eye. Kirsty smiles, stepping out of the woods and into a large open field, a barn standing tall in the middle. She stands still, staring out at the barn. Part of her wants to turn around, head back to the Sanctuary, but her feet are moving forward before she has a chance to change her mind.

Kirsty walks around the barn, frowning as there's no sign of Daryl. She heads back towards the barn doors, jumping a mile as he stands there, arms crossed over his chest.

"Hey," he nods, hair hanging over his face.

Kirsty shivers, a sickly feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"You cold?" He frowns.

Kirsty shakes her head, though she's pretty sure she will be soon, having forgotten to put on a jacket.

Daryl stares at her, unsure of what to say. "Ya want a smoke?"

Kirsty frowns. No, i'm trying to quit. Why am i here, Daryl?

Daryl looks down at his feet. "I wanted ta talk ta ya."

Kirsty clicks her fingers, getting his attention. About what?

"Everythin that's happened," he says.

Kirsty breathes deeply. We already tried that.

Daryl squints his eyes. "It's gettin dark out here, we should go inside."


"Cos i can't read ya lips out here, come on," Daryl gestures towards the barn.

Kirsty relents, following him inside. They climb up into the hayloft, Kirsty standing near the open window as Daryl grabs an electric lantern, placing it on the floor between them.

Daryl clears his throat, his heart pounding against his chest. "I'm sorry."

Kirsty stares at him, confused. For what?

"For listenin ta Rick, not tellin ya the truth. I knew i should've, i wanted to. I was stupid," he shakes his head, looking at the ground. "Rick said he weren't sure, an he's sorry too."

I'll bet he is, she sneers.

"It's Dwight," he says.

Kirsty looks up at him, her eyes wide. Dwight?

"Dwight's switched sides, he's helpin us. He came ta us an said you'd killed Joe with Lucille. Dwight said ya couldn't be trusted, but i told Rick otherwise, i swear. Rick was try'na play it safe."

Kirsty shakes her head. Why are you telling me this?

"Cos you're one of us," he says.

No, not anymore i'm not. I'm with Negan now, she says, slowly, looking him straight in the eye.

Daryl's stomach rolls. He clenches his jaw. "Yain't a Savior, yain't one a them."

Negan and i, are together now, she says, tears on the brink.

He shakes his head. "No, i ain't havin it, he's poisonin ya, whisperin stuff in your ear."

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