Chapter 16

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Kirsty slams the door shut, dropping down on the bed with a slight wince. She takes a book from her bedside table, not really having any interest in reading it.

She frowns as she hears a knock at her door.

"Kirsty, open up," Negan says.

Unable to tell him to fuck off, she throws her book at the door. He doesn't get the message, opening the door slowly as he steps inside. Negan picks the book up off the floor.

"Well i can see you've fucking cheered up," he smiles.

Go away! She mouths before turning away from him.

"Don't be like that," he says as he makes his way over to her. Negan places the book back on the bedside table before sitting on the edge of the bed. "I can't have you out there."

She turns to him. So you're just gonna keep me here like some damn prisoner? Kirsty spits.

"You're not a prisoner here, Kirsty."

Then why can't i go out? She frowns.

"Because you're not well enough," he says.

I'm fine! It's been six weeks, and i feel fine!

"Really? Didn't seem so fine the other day," he points out. "Don't think i didn't see you pulling your face when you were carrying all those books."

You just don't want me to leave cos you're worried i won't come back!

Negan sighs deeply. "Kirsty, it's not about that. You're not fucking ready, simple as that. And i am not gonna risk you getting hurt out there."

I'm going out of my mind, Negan.

"Well why don't you patrol the fences?" He offers.

Oh great! So i can be like the workers. That's an awesome idea! She mouths sarcastically.

"I don't know what you fucking want me to say?"

Stop trying to tell me what i can and can't do, that'd be a start, she mouths, before turning her back to him.

"Kirsty, look at me," he places his hand on her shoulder. "Look at me."

She turns slowly, her brows furrowed.

"You feel suffocated, i fucking get it. But there is no fucking way i'm letting you go out there. You almost died, Kirsty. So you can get mad at me if you want, i can fucking take it. What i can't fucking take is my men coming back without you, you're.. you're too fucking important to me, okay?"

Kirsty looks away from him, playing with the duvet cover nervously. You just don't want me to leave here full stop.

Negan shakes his head. "No, i don't. But once you're fully recovered, i won't stop you. Give it another week, that's all i'm fucking asking for, just one week. And if you wanna go out with my men, then fine, i won't fucking stop that, that's why i damn well wanted you here in the first place," Negan drops his head. "And if you leave when no one's watching, then so be it. I won't be happy about it, that's for fucking sure, but i won't try and bring you back either. Just give me a week."

Kirsty places her hand over his. Okay, a week.

Negan smiles. He looks around her room. "I see you made yourself at home."

Kirsty sits up on her bed. It's better than the infirmary, i'll give it that.

"You need anything?" He asks.

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