Chapter 14

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"You're healing nicely," Carson says as he removes Kirsty's dressings. "These stitches are good to come out now, but remember, you still need lots of rest, no heavy lifting."

Kirsty nods as she stares towards the window.

"How did that happen?" He points towards her neck.

Someone tried to kill me, she mouths without looking at him.

Carson nods as he removes her first stitch. "I'm guessing it was after?"

Kirsty nods.

"You must be a fast healer then. I'm sure you'll be up and about in no time. All your major organs are fine, bullet shot through an artery, but everything's healing like it should," he smiles. "Did you lose all your vocals when that happened?"

She nods.

"They're complex things, vocal chords. I've seen a few people in my time with vocal chord damage. Would you like me to take a look once i'm done here?"

Kirsty shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe another time," he nods. "You missing your people?"

She shakes her head.

"I'm sure they'd come see you if they could."

Kirsty turns to him. I'm here because of them.

"Oh, sorry. I can shut up if you want me to?"

Kirsty smiles briefly and shakes her head, looking out the window once again.

"You should be able to go for a walk, it'll do you good," he suggests. "You must be bored being cooped up in here for the last two weeks?"

She shrugs her shoulders once again.

Carson takes out the last stitch and removes his gloves. "All done."

Thanks, she mouths.

"You're welcome. You know, if you ever want to talk.. in confidence, you know where i am," he says.

Kirsty turns to him. Do you miss Hilltop?

"I miss the people, yes. But there's people who need me here, keeps me busy. And some of them are not so bad. I worry about Maggie, what with her being pregnant."

Kirsty nods and turns towards the window again.


"What's wrong with her?" Negan frowns.

"Actually, she's healing really well. In fact, i wouldn't be surprised if she's back to her old self within a month. Pretty incredible for someone who took a shot to the-,"

"I'm not talking about that," Negan cuts him off. "She's done nothing but stare out that damn window since she woke up."

Carson stares at him. "I'm not a psychologist, Negan."

"Well why don't you just hazard a guess?" Negan frowns. "Humour me."

"The people at Alexandria are her family. She feels she's been betrayed by them. I'm not sure that's entirely true but that's none of my business."

"No, it's not. And you're fucking wrong," Negan frowns.

"Either way, she's not taking it lightly. She's hurting, and i don't mean from the gunshot."

"So what would you suggest?" Negan asks.

"For her to reconcile with them."

"Out of the question," Negan says.

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