Chapter 9

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Kirsty rides in the truck with Dwight. It had been two weeks since her run with Daryl, and her leg had healed just fine. Negan had been on his usual pick up the day before, and even though he'd insisted she should rest, Kirsty had assured him she was more than capable of working with his men.

Where we heading? She writes.

"Not far," Dwight says, keeping his eyes on the road. "Same as last time, Negan wants you on lookout."

Kirsty nods, drumming her fingers against the door.

After another twenty minutes of driving they pull up beside another truck. The saviors are already running round like worker bees.

Kirsty steps out giving the area a quick scan. It always amazes her to see a group of people work so hard. Her people at Alexandria are good people, but not all of them are so keen to get their hands dirty. It irritates the shit out of her, because if they all worked as hard as this, then they would probably have eliminated the saviors by now.

"Hey," Negan smiles, heading her way.

I didn't know you were here, she mouths.

"Sorry, have i just ruined your fucking day?" He chuckles.

Kirsty rolls her eyes with a smile. Where do you want me?

Negan drops his eyes to below his belt then looks her straight in the eye, licking his lips. He goes to open his mouth before she points a finger at him.

Don't.. even think about it.

Negan laughs. "Come on, this way," he nods.


Kirsty plunges her knife into the walkers head. There had been surprisingly few considering the amount of noise they were making, what with the heavy machinery.

"Come on, take five," Simon nods in her direction.

Kirsty leans against a truck, taking her rucksack from her shoulders. She grabs a bottle of water, taking a drink.

"You hungry?" Negan asks.

She shakes her head. I'm good. Normally Kirsty felt awkward mouthing words, but with Negan understanding almost every word she said, she'd become more comfortable with it.

"Yes you are," he grins. "Your leg alright?"

It's fine, she pats at her thigh.

"Good, because if you feel like you gotta take a rest or whatever, just let me know," he nods sincerely. "Anyway, beautiful, i got shit to do," Negan turns his head as another truck arrives. "Joe! What took you so damn long?" He frowns at the guy stepping out of the truck.

"Sorry, came across the dead on our way here. Had some fun putting em down though, sorry bastards," he laughs.

Kirsty's blood turns to ice. Her heart pounds in her chest as she looks over towards the truck, her eyes widening.

"Yeah, i'm fucking sure you did. But we got people waiting," Negan says.

"Sorry, boss. I'll get right on it," Joe says. "Hey, what's her problem?" He nods in Kirsty's direction. "She alright?"

Negan raises an eyebrow then looks behind him. He frowns as he sees Kirsty staring over at them, her face pale. Negan walks over to her. "Hey, you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost," he places a hand against her shoulder. "Jesus Christ! You're shaking," he leans down, levelling with her eyes.

Kirsty clenches her jaw trying to bite back tears. She meets Negan's gaze and sees genuine concern in it.

"You don't look so good, sweetheart, and that's fucking saying something," he half smiles. "What is it? You feeling sick?"

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