The Sirens Song

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Chapter 1

On my first birthday was the first time I sang. I sang from my heart. Its very unusuall for a siren to sing before their eighteenth birthday. That is why I unlike other siren grew up in the sea. Because I couldn't control I would just burst out singing. Not so convieniente. But today I turned eighteen, today I would fianally go to shore. I've read books about humans and their religons but I don't really know how to be around them without singing. 

But today was the first day in threehundred years that a siren walks on shore. My father was human which is why I can be on shore during a longer amount of time. Pure sirens can only be on shore for a short time. A couple of hours at most. And yet that was long enough for my mom to find a sailor and get pregnet with me. Because of this they want me on shore. They need to know what the supernatural world is like now. If the other creatures have stoped hunting sirens. They thought we would expose the hole supernatural world to the humans and decided to kill us all. Which resulted in that they went so deep in the sea nothing could follow. And I mean nothing. Nothing at all. So now I was going to a human school in California where ever that is. 

They say the first day of school suck and after beeing here a month working in a local café I have to say I agree. First day of school stink.

I woke up already five minutes late for school and had to run my ass of to West High. Not the best name for a school in mine opinion but heck what did I know. My friend Carla who was a stammis at the café was the only friend I've made so far and honestly thats all I need. One friend is enough, I have no idea what shes saying half of the time and thats is a little annoying. Okay more then a little. But today was my first time in school ever, well human school. And I needed her, needed her to tell me how to act. What to do. And most importantly, who to stay away from. Under the short period I've spent here I have learned that humans are nasty. They say the meanest things to each other and act like its no big deal. And they say we are monsters. Stupid. 

"Hi girl friend, what's up?" Carla asked and it toke a lot of explaming what that term meant and the difference between that and a girlfrien. Hey, its not my fault I've spent my hole life in the sea. I blame my parents. 

"Good, you?" she laughs and starts talking about her weekend. Apperently you do that here. Don't know why though. I mean what is so interessing about going shopping and spend all their money. Thats just plain right stupid.

We walk up to the school and Carla drags me through the dubble doors with students watching us every move me make. I don't like the looks on their faces and I really don't like what they are saying. Sometimes it sucks to have superhearing. 

The headmasters office is behind a pear of big black door scaring the shit out of me. I don't like black its not a crime people give it a rest. I knock on the door before slowly opening it revelaing an old man in his sixties behind a big scary-looking desk. He wears a pair of glasses and is apparently reading a book at the moment. But he stops when I enter. He looks at me waiting for me to say something which only makes me more nervous.

"Em, my name is Sirena Walter, i'm the new student." my voice cracks a little at the end making him chuckle.

"No need to be afraid child i wont hurt you. Just stick to the rules and we're fine. Here's your schedule and don't be scared to ask if you need anything." his voice calmes me down and makes me a little less nervous but it isn't untill i leave that I realize, I have no idea where anything is. 

My mind is wandering about different ways to go. Different things to do the but that is until I realize the headmaster also gave me a map. Now the only problem is I have no idea how you use them. In the sea they are not really nessassery. Turning arond there is no other people in the halllway leaving me all alone figuring this thing out. That is until a group of loud boys come trough the doors. Goodlooking boy that is. Maybe they can help me although they don't exacally look like they woulf even care. But theres no harm done in trying right?

I walk up to them on shaky legs that threaten to give up under my weith just by looking at them. But it is the one in the middle who obviously is the leader that sends my heart racing. He has dark black hair,so dark that in the right light it looks midnight blue and bright shining green eyes. He looks at me like I'm a piece of meat hes going to eat, spit out and then eat again. Kind of creepy if you ask me. Beside him are two blonde guys who looks exactaly alike and a red-head girl. She looks beutilful with blue eyes and perfect skin but something just screams false. And she's klinging on the black hairs arm. And smiles at him. And he's smiling back. For some reason that makes me really want to kill that bitch. What is wrong with me? I am a custom to get the urge to sing and kill someone once in a while but we need the energy from the people we kill thats why we do that. Or we will be the ones who dies and sirens really don't like the idea of dying knowing they have no after life. Once we die its like 'game over'. Seriously.

He suddenly stops smiling and starts to sniff the air. Why? I don't know, but he's eyes suddenly makes contact with mine and he smirkes saying something to the red-head making her frown and bow her head in respect before turning to glare at me with eyes that are now black before leaving together with the rest, leaving me alone with the blach haired guy.

He walkes up to me and does the last thing I ever excpected. He kissed me. He actually kissed me. I mean I've read about it in books but I never never expected it to feel like that. Sparkes ran through my body making me shiver under his touch. I swear I heard sirens sing. And let me tell you if it weren't for that damn red-headed bitch we would be doing a lot more than kissing. It was heaven on earth. Literally.  

Until a certain someone pushed me away from him and slapped me across my face. 

"Leave him alone you bitch!" the red-nead screamed in my ear making me wince back. She was loud. Real loud. To loud. I took a good hold of her wrist when she was about to slap me again and sqeesed it until I heard the bones crack. She cried out in pain and I let her go turning arond to leave. But I didn't get very far until a certain black haired guy took a hold of my arm turning me around so I faced him.

"How did you do that?" he asked but I wasn't listening insted I watched as her wrist healed andshe stopped crying. She looked at me with murder in her eyes and I tell you if looks could kill I, Sirena, would be no more.

"Answer me!" he demanded but as a princess in our land -not the heir, I got three older sisters- no one told me what to do. It is againsed the sirens law. And you do not break the law. Or hurt the princess(es).  I closed my eyes and looked down at his hand that was holding mine in a ferm grip. I didn't understan it and I didn't understand how she could heal so fast. It made me wonder. What were they?

I janked my hand free and turned arond leaving him behind with a shocked look on his face like he couldn't believe I got myself free from him. However it was not him that was on my mind as I stepped in to the classroom were I had history a little to late. The bruise from the red-heads slap were already healing, leaving nothing behind to proof what she did. And I did not need proof in order to get my revenge. You never ever mess with a siren bitch. No one avenge like us.    


ok I know this chapter sucked but I promise you the story will get better later on. just please continue reading... *puppy dog face*

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