Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The voices on the other side of the door woke me up at 3 freaking a.m. Who the hell do they think they are? You can't just go around waking people up. It's against the law. I think. At  least it should be. That is when I see the door-knob turn and well I did the only thing i could think of. I ran out to the balcony and hid there still able to hear everything that was going on.

The sound of kissing almost makes me puke all over, because seriously that is disgusting. Okay maybe not the kissing part but the hearing kissing part. Gross. 

But what broke my heart, was the fact that it was the black-haired guy who was kissing someone. I don't know why I'm reacting this way, for heavens sake, I don't even know his name.But for some reason hearing him kissing somebody else made my heart break.

I took a peek in the room and immidiatly wished I hadn't. The black-haired guy was on the bed half-naked with the red-headed girl. Andsure he looked hot with a six-pak I would've loved to ... no, bad siren stop thinking of it. He is for crying out load kissing another girl.  

They were kissing each other and literally tearing their close of. I didn't understand it. I felt my sanity slip away from me before I decided to do the only thing I could. I jumped of the balcony...

On the way down I realized something. Something that had somehow managed to slipped my mind. I really, and I mean really didn't want to die. Who cares what that prick does I am to to damn important to die. I have so many things left to do, so many things to learn and experience. So I did the only thing I could.

I screamed at the very top of lungs. And let me tell you the inpact when my body hit the ground hurt like hell. Note to self, do not ever ever again jump down from the third floor. Ever.

The sound of me hitting the ground was like the sound of a comet hitting earth. I could literally feel it shake with the inpact.

But after a cupple of minutes the pain went away and I was left lying there alone with footsteps coming closer every second. But I couldn't let them know it was me. They would realize what had happen and think I was crazy. So I got up on my feet, looked around me and took of.     


sorry for the short chapter

ok so the next chapter is almost ready but I need to edit it first so I don't know how long that is going to take.  thanks for reading i hope you liked it  


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