Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


"There you go." the man happily took the money and had a smug look on his big round fat face that I honestly found kind of creepy. When he walked away I swear I heard him whisper: "suckers" shaking his head. What a douche.

"So ... are you happy now." I don't think she sensed my sarcasm because she just smiled at me and said in a very happy voice:

"YES! Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!" she truly was adorable, her puppy dog face could make me do anything for her.

We walked back to the pack house, the perch was finished, the horse was hers. She smiled a giggled every once and then. It was starting to get annoying. 

"Sirena!" a voice screamed from behind us. I turned around and saw Carla running towards us with a older woman following her. I felt Max's precence leave us and knew she had, indeed, left. Carla was still running towards me and the closer she got the more I realized how the older woman looked like her. In fact they looked so much alike, had it not been for the other womans wrinkles, they could easily been mistaken for siblings. But the thing was Carla didn't have any siblings, she was an only child of a woman named...

"... Sally." that's right. Sally. Wait a minute. Sally!?

I smiled "Hello, my name is Sirena Walter it's nice to meet you."

"To bad I can't say the same." Sally frowned and had a look of boredom on her face, like I was beneath her or something. If anything she was beneath me, and she was really starting to piss me off. If she isn't being careful she's going to find her-self without a head one of these days. It doesn't matter if she's Carla's mother or not. She's still a bitch. 

"You're Carla's mother, right?" 

She frowned "Carla is my daughter, yes."

I smiled a sweet innocent smile "So if I were to kill you ... she wouldn't like it would she?" her shocked expression was enough to make me laugh, although it would have been more funny if she actually would have been afraid. I guess I'm just not scary enough.

"Listen here bitch, I don't care if Dylan is your mate you do not threathen me. Am making my-self clear?" she really is crazy. 

"No, you listen. You have no idea who I am and until you do, maybe you shouldn't threathen me." and I walked away with a smile on my lips.

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