Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"My name is Dylan Drew Mikeals" the shock and pleasent feeling of finally knowing his name overwhelmed me. I could barely understand the words he spoke next.

"and you are my mate."

What. The. Hell? 


What. The. Hell? Did he just say 'mate'? As in a mate mate? As in a soul-mate? But he's human ... isn't he? 

"Wha-what do you mean? Mate?" I could literally feel the shock appear on my face. Of course I knew what a mate was it's just that siren's ... they don't have mate's. We are believed to not have a soul even. But that, I don't think is true. My sister for example, is the nicest siren you'll ever meet. And most of them are ... pretty nice. Or at least polite. I think. 

"You're my mate." he said again and I watched as he's cheeks became red as he blushed. How come I haven't noticed that before? He looked so adorable. I decided it was probably best to play what I think is called the Dumb-card. 

"What's a mate?" I looked at him and watched as he's facial-expression changed from happy to scared. He looked like a trapped dear. His eyes darkned and his face became hard. And then he spoke:

"I'm a werewolf" wow, I did not expect that. At all. Is he serious? He looked serious. Wait did he say he was a werewolf? He did didn't he?

"and you are my mate." I looked down at my feets in a sudden feeling of shame when he said that last thing. I couldn't be his mate. Could I? His hand wrapped around my chin and forced my face upp so I could look him in he eyes after I refuced to answer his quistens. The look in his eyes that held me trapped were the look of regret. I didn't understand. Did he not trust me? Did he not wish for me to be his mate? But then I realized I've been doing the exact same thing. I been lying to him all this time, hiding who I really am and even though I really wanted to tell him right then and there. But there was something, something inside of me that stopped me. I couldn't tell him.

I stepped away from him and turned around putting each of my feets in front of the other. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left? The sounds of quit cries reached my ears and stopped me dead in my tracks. Was Dylan  ... crying? Why would he cry? Was it because of ... me? I heard what happens when a mate regejct another but I hadn't even said the words yet. He couldn't be crying just because I walked away, could he? The idea only of him cryng because of me was enough for my inner siren to emerged and I felt my eyes changing, my fangs coming out and my hunger rising. This was bad.

What was I going to do? He can't see me like this. It doesn't matter if I'm his mate or not, all siren's must die. That is the law. It's a horrible law, but none the less a law.  

Concentrate. Focus. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. In ... oh shit this isn't working. Happy thought's, happy thought's. Dylan smiling. Dylan kissing me. Dylan. Dylan. Dylan. 

It worked. 

Thinking of Dylan made the siren in me disappear. I could still feel it, the hunger and the need to feed, but it wasn't nearely as overwhelming as before. And all because pf Dylan. Maybe I didn't have to tell him. Maybe I could just be human to him, right? I mean what he doesn't know won't hurt him, right? He could just see me as human and I wouldn't have to die, I woouldn't have to leave. We could do whatever it is mate's are suppossed to do. I turned around.

Dylan was stading just barely ten feet behind me in the hallway with tears running dow his cheeks. His eyes were filled with hurt and regret and his entire facial-expression screamed pain. I looked at him and his beautiful green eyes that seemed to drew me in. He peeked up from under his thick dark eyelashes and our eyes made contact. I dont think I've ever felt something even remoltly similiar to ths before. We were all alone in the world. It was just us in the world. Everything else disappeared. It all went away. All my thought's but one;

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