Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Turns out horses and me do not mix well. In fact we do not mix at all. I am never, and I mean never ever ever in my life ever again getting on a horse. Lets just say I figured out why the guy who sold us Kit (Kit is the horse they baught) thaught we we're suckers. And I don't blame him. We really are suckers. Werewolfs and horses do not mix, sirens and horses do not mix. Humans and Kit doesn't mix. In fact I'm pretty sure the only one Kit allows to get close enough to actually ride him is Max. She seems to have some kind of connection with him. They just kind of clicked.

"Look at me!" Max sreamed from Kit's back. She had a huge smile on her face and you could see the gap between her teeth fom the teeth she lost yesterday night. She looked adorable. 

"Awesome!" I cried out smiling at  her enthusiasm. 

It was in the middle of the day and the sun was out, not a cloud in the sky. Yesterday night it had rained all night and now the road was all slippery and mudd covered. Kit was too which automatically made Max dirty and mud-covered as well. But it didn't seem to face her. At the sound of feets running I turned around only to come face to face with ...


She was sneering at me and her eyes looked red in the weird light. She looked like one of those crazy-old-lady-cat-woman that lived in a trailor behind the park. It was truly an otterly terrifying sight. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my whole life. Wow, I am starting to like this sarcasm thing.

"You!" she screamed at me standing barely two feet away from me. Her spit landed in my eye and I had to back furysly sckratching my  eyes. 

"What?!" what? she screamed first.

"SIREN!" what did she say? Did she say what I think she did?  I am so dead. act act you can act. But before I could say anything Dylans pissed off voice echoed through the garden.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" she vinced before she stood even straighter and said with a proud voice.

"I knew there was something wrong with her, I knew it. If you've just listen to me all would have been so much easier. I kne-" she was cut of yet again by Dylan as he had her in the air by a hand in her throat. 

"Get to the point." he said through clenched teeth and slowly put her down again.

"She's a siren." 

And that is the story of how I, Sirena Walter, died.


hope you liked it













love ya'll


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