Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


"A mate is like a soul-mate and that is the one person that was made specialy for just you. You are luna which means you run the pack together with me." he said in a ruch, I could barely understand it. But I did and I was freaking out. I'm a siren for gods sake! I can't run a pack. No. No way. But ... he is my mate. And maybe there's a reason for that. 

"So when's this party I keep hearing about?"


"Okay, first thing's first. Invitations. How many people will be coming to this stupid party?" Martha, the mothher of hte beta, glared at me after i said it, but I honestly couldn't bring my-self to care. We had been over this party, sorry ball, twenty times for hours and still hadn't gotten anywhere. It was annoying and it was seriously starting to piss me off. One thing not many people know about sirens is that they got quite a temper. The siren within us usually doesn't come out enless we're hungry but when it does there really isn't much controling it. I can control t pretty goo, because of my human blood, but other siren's? Let's just say, you do not want to piss them off. At all. 

"We've already been over this!" I can not keepmy mouth shut anymore, screaming at her is essential. She is driving me insane. And a crazy siren is an evil siren.

"No we have not!" her voice come out strained and I can honestly say I understand Molly's (her daughter's) decision to leave about half  an hour ago. The only problem is, she left me alone with Martha. All alone. With ... Martha, the devil. She is a real slave-driver and I thaught that that was illegal these days. Apperently not.

"Yes we have! We've been over this for hour's!" she doesn't listen. I am supossed to be the luna and yet I can't get her to listen to me. It's ridiculous.  

The room we we're in was fairly big with an awesome fire-place in the right corner. There were chairs facing that direction and in the middle of the room was a large table that we were currently occupaying. The big crystal chandelier that was in the middle of the room hanging from the three meter high ceiling had scared the crap out of me the first time I saw it. It was huge. And it was amazing. Not even at home we had chandeliers like that. Well, I guess this is my home now.

I look at Martha with her big black glasses cover half her face and her grey hair stickung iup in every direction. But deespite that she has a beauty of her own. I can see where Molly got her good looks. Th dress she is wearing is dark purple a color I have come to like while being on shore and the fact that she does as well is not going to stop me from continue to like it. No matter what she thinks. 

"I'm going to find something to eat, since you clearly have no party-planning bone in your body." the way she says it makes it sound like an insult but I can not muster the enary to care. Not even a little. Who knew party-planning could be this tiring? I am never doing this ever again. Ever. 

I sigh, looking over my shoulder at her leavng body and answer:

"You do that."

She doesn't seem to hear me. Either that or she's ignoring me. Hopefully the first, if she can't hear me she can't plan the par- I mean ... ball.  I'm just going to close my eyes for a second. 

I can feel my eye-lines closing, the lack of sleep finally getting to me. A siren can be up a long time, but not forever. I fell asleep to the sound of rain outside the massive window.


"Sirena. Sirena. Come on. Wake up!" someone wasfiercely shaking me bringing me out of my relaxing slumber. Oh, their so gonna get it!

"What?!" my voice is still sleepy and it comes out whinier then I intended.

"Duess what! I'm saving you girl-friend!" an annoyingly familiar voice said. Or mre liked screamed in my ear. I winced. Seriously something is wrong with that girl. Wait a minute!

"Carla!" I screamed and jumped up embracing her in a tight hug. I haven't seen her n like forever! She pulled away looked at me and opened her mouth getting ready to speak But I beat her to it.

"What are you doing here?" she had a nervous look on her face and kept her eyes anywhere but on me. Something was wrong.

I pouted and looked at her with my puppy dog face: "What's wrong?"

"I have something to ... uhh ... to... um tell you." she umbled so low if I wasn't a siren I wouldn't have heard it. 

"What?" wow, I've been saying that a lot lately. But seriously what is up with her. Besides the sky. And the clouds. And the stars. And the ... nevermind.

"I'mawitch" she said in a rush. What?

"Huhh?" was my great response.

"I'm a witch." she said again slowly like I was a kid. Not my fault she tlk so bloody fast. She couldn't seriously expect me to understand that could she? Wait did she just say she was a witch? She did, didn't she? Oh, she did. Wow my choise of friends is really poor. I must really be an idiot.

"Cool" again what a great response. She tells me she's a witch and all I can respond with is 'cool'. Greeeaaat. 

"You're not ... mad?" she asked with a worried expression on her face and I can honestly say I'm not. Because if you think about it, I am not exacatly honest my-self. If anyone she should be mad. But she's not. 'Cause she doesn't know. At all. 

"No. I just learned that werewolfs exict why should I be mad that my best-friend is a witch?" it came out a little harsher then i intended it to but I think she got the message, 'cause her face broke out into a huge smile. I am seriously suprised her face didn't split in two. 

"Good. Now we have some planning to do."

"Uhh..." will this torture ever end?


and my inspiration ran out right there... I have no idea what to write. I tried to make this a long chapter but i don't think i succeded. please don't hate me *puppy dog face*

it may take a while for the next chapter to get up, don't knw what to write...

sorry :(
















love ya'll


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