Chapter 2

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I think my rating was pretty much right but if you think otherwise please tell me so I can change it. I really need to know. Don't want people to get offended.

love, Lynn

Chapter 2 

The rest of the day went by really fast and before you know it I'm at my work taking orders as usuall. No more people tried to bother me during the school day but it was different at work. You see about five minutes after my shift started they came sitting at one of the booths that unfortunally was my work place. I would have to go up there and talked to them. Well, maybe I could spit in their food.

Forcing my feets forward I see the red-head turn around just in time to put her foot in front of mine making me trip over. The black haired guy gets up from his chair likes it on fire and I see his feet walking towards me where I'm lying on the floor. People starts to gather around me asking me if I'm okay. I hear footsteps and then I'm sitting on the black-haireds lap. To say that I blushed would be a major understatement. I was red like a tomato. Literally. 

"Are you okay?" he asked and his voice sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't find it in me to answer so I just nodded my head hoping he would let me go. But no, he did not. In fact before I knew it he was standing up and caring me bridal-style towards a black Jeep in the parkinglot. His group followed us and I was just to stund by the sparks I felt in me to actually try and get away. Why? you ask. Well, because I'm an idiot. A truelly foolishly idiot for letting a stranger carring me god knows where.

His friends hurried in front of us and oponed the car doors before getting in and then I found my self getting lift in to the car and let me tell you I trully had no idea what they were thinking. Seriously, their faces were like stone.

The black haired guy got in after me and lifted me up so I could sit in his lap. He burried his face in my hair and seemed to be smelling it. Weird. I mean I know I smell good, thats naturall, but you don't go arond smelling people. That is not normal. At all.

"What are you doing?" I asked but my voice wasn't as cold that I intended. In fact it was a little breathless, because honestly the guy looked like a God with his black hair and green eyes. Who can blame me?

"Nothing." he mumbled low in my hair making me wonder if I heared him right. 

"You do realize I have no idea who you are?" I asked and he looked up at me with so much hurt in his eyes that I felt my heart brake. Why? You tell me, because I honestly had no clue.

Before he could get a chanse to answer the guy who drived said that we were there. Where I don't know, but I despertly needed to get out of the car and away from a certain black haired boy. As soon as the car stoped I jumped out and staired wide eyed on the beutiful house in front of me. No, not house. Mansion.

The house was entirely white except for the black door. It had a porch on the front and I could already tell the back would look amazing. I turned around to face the guy whos lap I had been sitting in the entire ride here. He looked at me, they all did, like they were waiting for my approval. It felt kind of strange.  But, I smiled at them and said the first thing that popped in to my head.

"You live here?!" they looked at each other insecure of what that meant so I continued with my thought popping thing. "It's amazing!" I screamed and the smiled that appered on their faces and the relif in their told me my oppinon really for some weird reason actually mattered to them. But it was the black thaired guys reaction the was by far weirdest. He laughed. He actually luaghed and let me tell you it was music to my ears. He had a voice worthy of an angel but his luagh beat it a hundred times. Dimples appeared on his cheeks and his eyes, oh his eyes, shined so bright they could compete with the stars. It was heaven.

His laugh made me smiled and before I knew he had me spinning around in the air. When he fianally let me go I found myself getting dissapointed. He looked me in the eyes and it was like the world dissapered. It was just the two of us. His eyes held so much emotion but I couldn't tell what. My heart was racing in my chest, beating so hard I was confident he could hear it. And the smile on his lips told me I was right. He could hear it and the thaught of that made me blush.


keep in mind this story has not been edited.

until next time...   :)

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