Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"Wake up!" a voice screamed in my ear. I slowly cracked my eyes open to see Max standing there, a huge grin on her adorable little face and a tray filled wih food in her hands. I sat up on the king sized bed wincing as I noticed my back hurted a little  and she proudly put the tray down on my lap. I couldn't help but smile at her cuteness she was just an adorable little girl. I had been here a week and every day she would wake me up the same way. I think she wanted impress me. And impressed I was. She would draw something new each day and it was always amazing to watch. She was six years old and could draw like an old-crumpy-lonely-cat-owning lady. It was almost kind of creepy.

I grinned "Thank you!" 

She smiled at me and looked at me with an expression I've leraned to know all to well. She wanted something. She pouted and her eyes were huge. She was giving me the puppy dog face look. And it was working.

I sighed "What do you want?" she smiled with a pleased look on her facing knowig she was goingt get whatever it was she wanted.

"A horse." now, you would think that as a werewolf she wouldn't want it but I've come to except the fact that she is no ordinary werewolf. She doesn't play with the other kids her age and she isn't interessed in the usuall things a little girl wants. And now she wants a horse. Can she even ride one?

"Have you asked Dylan?" I asked knowing perfectly well he probably said no and now she wants me to change his mind.

"Yep" she said popping the 'p'." he said to ask you." wow, suprise there. "Mommy, please" did she just call me mommy? "I will take care of him myself." she was begging me now and I could feel my defences coming down. She was going to win. 

"Do you know which horse you want?" I asked and she eagerly nodded her head.

"Kit" she happily answered. "I want Kit."  I sighed,of course she knew whichone she wanted.

"I'll be down in a minute." she giggled and left my room smiling like a maniac. I let out a low laugh, she really was adorable.


thank you so much for reading it 

it means the world to me     (right after my baby sister;))

seriously though thank you










love ya'll


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