Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

By the time I came to the sea I was starving. The need to feed had come so fast I didn’t understand it, it wasn’t supose to do that. We would only need to feed once a year andfeed not to long ago, but for some reason that had changed.

The stars was shining in the sky and I just loved looking up at them but right now I couldn’tcare less. The only thing on my mind was that preciouss life-energy every other living creature's had.

Siren’s got it by take it from others. We couldn’t make it on our own and we all need it to live. Without it we would die. We would go weak and if enough time passed we would feed on the first person we saw no matter who they were.

I followed the road to the beach and once there I practally ran over to the water and took of my clothes. In the water we change, our fangs come out and we become stronger. The sea is our home, it’s where we are born and where we will die.

I walked in to the sea and had to restrain my urge to run. Once there I felt myself change,my fangs came out and my eyes changed colour from brown to a glowing gold. I opened my mouth and did what every other siren does in this situation. I sang.

My voice followed the wind to find it’s prey and I could feel a man walking towards me and the sea. When he came in to my weiw I felt my breath hitch in my frouth. He was a vampire, and astrong one at that.

He’s hair was dark and so was his eyes. His skin on the other hand was light. So pale it allmost looked white. If he was killed people would know it was a siren and it could start a war. So I made him walk all the way to me and I looked at him. He may be a vampire but he had a lot of energy. So much he could certainly give a little right? Right.

He walked up to me and didn’t even notice the waves that had become stronger in result of my song and stood steady right in front of me. I put a hand on his shoulder and one on his head and then without a moment of hesatation I bit down on his neck.

It was amazing. I felt my world spin and the taste of his blood and life-forse porring in tome was … the best feeling you could ever feel. The angels was singing and my mouth was watering from the flavor of his blood. We didn’t need to bit in order to get a persons life-forcebut if I did it now he would when he woke up see the bit marks and think another vampire did it.

I pulled away with a feeling of satisfaction and watched as he fell face down in the water. He was a vampire so it wouldn't hurt him. Besides after a siren has taken your life-force the fastest way to get it back was by beeing in the sea. Not that anybody knew that. They thought it all had to do with who was strongest. But that didn’t matter a bit.

I saw him beeing draged away with the water and for a while I just stood there, watching the sun rise above the water. It was a sight I would never grow tired of. I loved the sunrise it was just so ... pure. And all siren’s loved what was pure. It was in our blood. Some thought it was because the sun was our mother and some because it was in a place we could never ever reach.

Far away in the forrest I could still hear the sound of the wolfs howling. They had found me and if they saw me like this it was no telling what they would do. I swam to the shore and walked away putting on my clothes as I walked. The dress I wore was dark pink and to be honest I’ve come to realize I don’t really like that color. It’s to close to red. Before I would’ve liked it but now after seeing that. No way. Just thinking of it made my blood boil and I felt myself becoming hungry again. What was wrong with me? You only had to feed once a year and yet I, after only a cupple of minutes, was already hungry again. Something was defently off.

My mind began drifting of to a certain black haired guy who I still didn’t know the name of. That was weird. He had been my first kiss and yet we still didn’t know each others names. Unless he went to our school or talked to Carla. Carla. I missed her. She was my only friend and sometimes I had been on the verge of telling her the truth about what I am. But then I realized she would probably think I’m crazy and never speak to me again and that was something I didn’t want. She was, after all, my only friend. My best friend, I guess you could say.

The light of the city came closer with every step I took, but I couldn’t concentrate. All I could think of was the black haired guy. He was the only thing in my mind.

I had successfully hidden my siren scent so now they could only track my human smell and that wasn’t as easy to found. Walking in the direction of the cities lights I felt there precence comming closer but I didn't care. I wanted to be found for some odd reason. 

Seeing the start of the city as I came closer I realized something. Maybe running away wasn't the best thing I've ever done, but it sure as hell was fun.


i hope you liked it! 


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