Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"Dylan is the last Alpha of the ten that is still mate-less. Well, I guess not anymore." there was only one thing in that sentence that I actually heard. I choked out:



Alpha? Alpha? Alpha?! How can he be an Alpha? My eyes traveled between them looking any for signs that they were lying, playing a trick on me. Saying that Dylan was, infact, not an alpha. Because if he were the Alpha than that would mean I am the ... Luna? But a siren can't be a luna. Hell, we can't even have mate's. Whoever is in charge of that mate thing has seriously screwed up. What teh helll am I suppoessed to ddo now? I have no life. For crying out loud I've spent the majoraty of my life in the sea with a bunch of siren's whos definition of nice is not to tear you apart limb by limb. It's a miracle I turned out as I did.  

"Alpha?!" I choked out again waiting for an answer. Marcus looked insecure and Dylan looked plain unhappy and regretful. He seems to be feeling that a lot lately. They glared at each other, or more like Dylan glared at Marcus while I stood by the side trying t process what Marcus just said.

"I hadn't gotten to that part just yet!" Dylan seems to be having a minor breakdown as he unleashes his wrath on Marcus pinning him to the wall holding his hands on Marcus's throat and putting real preasure. Had Marcus been human would he surelly be dead by now. Sadely I just couldn't stand by and watch somebody get killed. I mean, I have killed before but that was a natural instinct. This is not. I was feeding that time and the guy was human of cousre he wouldn't survive it, but I was starving. I had wanted to see how long I could last without to feed and it turned out, just barely over two year. But at the end I was so weak I couldn't even sit up by myself. I was lliterally on the verge of dying when my mother came back from the shore with a half-dead human in her deadlyest grip, by the neck. 

I didn't know what to do, I coulldn't just lt him kill Marcus. I actuallt kind of liked him, but that was beside the point. The point was Dylan was out of line, and I didn't now how to help him. I knew his wolf had taen over, I felt the shift in the air the second it happened. Dylan was no-longer Dylan. He was now a completly different person, that maybe didn't even liked me. There's a thought that hurt like hell. Push it away, Sirena you need to help Marcus. 

Marcus's eyes found mine and i could read the silent plead for help in there. He was no-longer breathing and his lips were blue from lost of oxygen. He was about to die. I could see the terror in his eyes and the fear struck me like that. If Dylan could kill Marcus, someone i was pretty sure meant a lot to him, he could sertenly kill me. Even if I was his mate. 

"Dylan..." my voice came out in a whisper and was barely audible bu tI knew he could hear me. He was, after all, a werewolf.

"please don't kill him." and he listened. Dylan actually listened. He let go of Marcus who sleed down the wall unconscious. The sound when his body hit the ground I knew I would never forget. Amediatelly two other men came running to him and caried him away from there after sending a greatful look my way. I hadn't even realized they were there. And they obviously cared for Macus, but when your alpha is killing somenoe there really isn't anything you could do. So why did he listen to me? Why did he stop when I asked him to? Why did he not kill Marcus when it was obvious it was what he had wanted to do? I looked back at Dylan again and saw, big suprise, regret in his eyes. Only this time i did't think it had anything to do with me. 

His eyes were back to their nrmal brigthly shining green color and the precence of his wolf was gone. It was dylan again  stood in front of me, with so muchpain in his face it literally made me cry. Silent sobs came out when tears rolled down my cheeks and now it was his time to look at me and pull me into a hug comforting me. After a while I realized what he'd done and I felt the familiar feeling of terror as the fear came back. I was scared of my own mate.

I backed away from him. I took hold of his hands and pulled them away from my face without looking up at him once. I didn't understand it, where this irrational fear caem from. If it was any other it would make perfect sence but this was Dylan my mate. I shouldn't even be able to fear him. Fear for him yes, but not fear him. That was wrong, just plain wrong. 

"What's wrong?"he asked when he saw the look on my face. I couldn't look him in the eyes, knowing he would se I was scared of him. But I had to say something.

"You almost killed him." I stated looking everywhere but him. 

"I-I-I d-d-didn't mean to." he stuttered and it was a-dor-a-ble. No. Don't think that. He may be your mate, but he is no angel. That would had been so cool. No. Stop thinking that.

"But you still did it." he didn't deny it. He just at me with sadness and regret in his eyes, but it didn't matter to me. 

"You almost killed him." I said again, waiting for him to answer me. To give me a reason to not be scared. 

"He told you something that I was suppose to tell you." 

"You almost killed him because he said you are an Alpha?" it came out more as a questen and I looked at him with doubt evident onn my face. He actually was about to kill someone he obvisiouly cared for because he said something he shouldn't? Even I wouldn't do that.

"Yes. It was my secret to tell. You are my mate. Not his." the last came out as a growl and to be honest it kind of turned me on. But lets not think about that. 

"An alpha is the leader right?" he looked supriezed at my questen but nodded none the less. 

"So what is a mate, and what does that does me?" he looked at me as though he just realized something. Something important.

"A mate is like a soul-mate and that is the one person that was made specialy for just you. You are luna which means you run the pack together with me." he said in a ruch, I could barely understand it. But I did and I was freaking out. I'm a siren for gods sake! I can't run a pack. No. No way. But ... he is my mate. And maybe there's a reason for that. 

"So when's this party I keep hearing about?"


so... there you have it

another chapter,  hope you liked




















until next time...


love ya'll



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